JULY 4, 2012
Hassayampa Writers Contest offers $1,400 in prizes

WICKENBURG – The Hassayampa Writers’ Club in Wickenburg is offering $1,400 in cash prizes as part of its annual Writers’ Wriot competition currently underway.
The writing competition, now in its third year, has an extended deadline of August 2 for those interested in submitting. Entry categories include fiction, non-fiction and poetry; along with a special category, Arizona Stories, added this year to celebrate the state’s centennial. First place winners in each category will receive a cash award of $200; second place winners, $100; and third place winners, $50.
There is a submission fee of $25, reduced to $15 with an annual membership. Multiple submission discounts are also available, along with complete rules, on the club’s website at www.hassayampawriters.org.
Winning entries will be announced in early October with an awards ceremony scheduled for October 14 in Wickenburg.
Affiliated with the Society of Southwestern Authors, the Hassayampa Writers’ Club sponsors its annual competition to celebrate the Wickenburg area and western authors. As part of the competition, the club publishes a book, the Hidden River Cache, which contains the writings of all category winners.
For further information, check the club’s website or call Carol Butterfield at 928-685-3332.