JUNE 6, 2012
Make this a summer to remember for your kids or grandkids!

Two Sessions to choose from:
Classes run Monday-Thursday
June 11-21, 2012 at Union Hills Campus
July 9-19, 2012 at Black Mountain Campus
Kids College contact information:
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.paradisevalley.edu/ce
Mail: 18401 N 32nd St. Phoenix, AZ 85032
Registration: 602-787-7000
Information: 602-787-6804
Here's a sample for Kids!
Empower Your Life through Acting and Modeling
Kids Count-Citizen Scientists
Reading Advantage
Math Logic
Things that Fly
Chemical Magic, Microscopes, Rocks and Minerals
Egyptian Dig
Harry Potter Science
Crime Scene Investigation - (CSI)
Hyper Peppy Robotics
Advanced Robotics
Elementary Engineering
Vehicle Engineering
Junior Vehicle Engineering
Summer Art Camp
Guitar for Kids: Group
Private Music Lessons
Here's a sample for Teens!
Empower Your Life through Acting and Modeling
Songwriting Made Simple
Beginning Guitar
Private Music Lessons
Basic Photography for Teens
SPACE: Service Projects for Animals, Communities & the Environment
Police, fire chiefs get down and dirty to aid local programs
Scottsdale’s police and fire chiefs will definitely get down and dirty at this year’s Mighty Mud Mania.
The two chiefs will race through the event’s signature, muck-filled obstacle course at high noon Saturday, June 9, on the fields of Chaparral Park, 5401 N. Hayden Road.
It may not be clean fun, but the purpose is pure – to help highlight the importance of city after school programs as well as to boost donations to Scottsdale’s Vista del Camino Food Bank.
Will the fleet feet of Police Chief Alan Rodbell carry him to victory? Or will the agility of Fire Chief Garret Olson capture first place?
Residents are invited to cast “votes” all this week by dropping off nonperishable food items in specially marked boxes at the Police/Fire headquarters building, 8401 E. Indian School Road.
Donations also will be accepted at Chaparral Park prior to the chief’s showdown. All participants are asked to donate a non-perishable food item. The department generating the most donations will win a traveling trophy … as will the winner of the obstacle course showdown between Rodbell and Olson.
The chief’s duel also begins a new era for Mighty Mud Mania. For the first time, adults can sign up to tackle the messy and infamous original obstacle course. The course will be free from 8 a.m. to noon for those 7-17 years old. From noon to 2 p.m. adults can run the course for a $10 donation that supports the city of Scottsdale’s Afterschool Program Scholarship Fund.
Registration begins at 8 a.m. Those younger than 18 must bring a signed permission slip or have a parent or guardian available at the event to sign one.
Those 6 and younger can enjoy the mini mud obstacle course, mud pits, water play area, sand castle building and “Mudville.” Nearby Chaparral Pool will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for only a dollar for those wearing clean swimsuits.
For more details, call 480-312-2704, email [email protected] or visit: www.ScottsdaleAZ.gov/MightyMudMania
For more information on the Vista del Camino center and its food bank, visit: