JUNE 6, 2012
Help students return to school in A+ attire

The community’s help is needed to support Vista del Camino’s Back to School program. Each year, eligible children are provided with two sets of new clothing, socks, underwear, a pair of shoes, a backpack and school supplies. The program assists up to 500 children each year.
Donations can be dropped off at Vista del Camino, Scottsdale’s social services center, 7700 E. Roosevelt St.
In addition, Vista is accepting donations and handing out information about the program at McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park’s Concert Series. The free concerts feature favorite local bands from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Sundays through July 8.
Potential program recipients can begin calling Vista del Camino June 13 to make appointments for eligibility screening. The phone number is 480-312-2323. The office is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Appointments will be taken until the program reaches capacity based on eligibility and on a first-come, first-served basis. To be eligible, participants must be Scottsdale residents, have a child attending school in kindergarten through eighth grade and demonstrate financial need.
For more information, visit the Back to School program website or call the center at 480-312-2323.