April showers bring May flowers and allergies!
Actually, most showers in Arizona, no matter what time of year, encourage plant growth in our beautiful desert and thus, bring on a significant increase in allergy symptoms to people and pets. Yes, pets. Your cuddly little (or big) dog can be affected by what is known as Allergic Inhalant Dermatitis or allergies. You know – that itchy scratch, scratch, scratch and the jingle jangle of tags in the middle of the night that keeps you and everyone else in the house awake for hours.
Allergies can “ALWAYS” be helped. Technically, one must be wary of saying always or never in the practice of medicine but we can say essentially ALWAYS (“99.9 percent” of the time), we can find a way to stop the itch, heal the skin and make your “fur legged” friend comfortable.
We find proper treatment to be very straightforward. Not a lot of medications are needed. The primary goal is to stop the inflammation that causes the irritation, redness, surface changes and discharge of the skin or eyes. If there is a significant secondary infection, then appropriate antibiotic or anti fungal medications are warranted.
Cats are fortunate in that they seldom manifest symptoms of inhalant allergies. When they do, their symptoms are quite different from those of dogs. Cats usually have just one particular area of skin that develops a severe, local dermatitis. Some of them do exhibit sneezing and irritated eyes as well. However, unlike dogs, cats have their own set of viral upper respiratory infections, including Rhinovirus, so the presence of viral infection must be ruled in or ruled out.
We like to remind our clients that cats and dogs are not little people, so please do not treat your pet’s suspected allergies on your own. Veterinarians and their staff are universally compassionate people and phone calls are free. They and we would rather give guidance to someone with concerns about their beloved pet than to have our "pet parents" worry. That is why we are here!
Animal Hospital at Terravita is located in Terravita Marketplace on the S.W. corner of Carefree Hwy. and Scottsdale Rd., 34462 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite B-1. Call 480-575-8347 or visit www.terravitavet.com.
MARCH 14, 2012
Luv Shack Ranch changes name to Triple R Horse Rescue
CAVE CREEK – LUV Shack Ranch Horse Rescue announces it has changed it's name to Triple R Horse Rescue. "With the change in management at the end of last year, we felt the need to more clearly define our mission, which is the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of horses in need."
Our vision is to create a better community through horses. While many diverse groups can benefit from an association with horses, and our doors are open to all of these groups. Our primary goal is to find the horses forever homes.
Triple R Horse Rescue, a subsidiary of Luv Shack Ranch Rescue Inc, a 501c3 non-profit is a 100 percent volunteer run organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of horses in need with the ultimate goal of finding each animal a forever home. Our goal is to serve the community by providing the opportunity to interact with the horses.
For more information please call 602-317-6176 or visit www.TripleRHorseRescueAZ.com. To volunteer call 602-396-8726.
The mailing address for donations by check is P.O. Box 4925, Cave Creek, AZ 85327. Location: Rockaway Hills Ranch, 6206 E. Rockaway Hills Rd., Cave Creek.
MARCH 14, 2012
Tierra Madre’s 30-minute Walk For The Horses
You can help the Horses of Tierra Madre by participating in your own fundraising walk – a short, but healthy, half-hour walk on Saturday, March 17. You can either walk by yourself and/or encourage others to walk with you.
Get your friends, relatives and co-workers to sponsor your walk for $1 per minute for thirty minutes – coinciding with the number of horses that call Tierra Madre Horse Sanctuary their happy, healthy forever home.
Also, please encourage those who walk with you to do the same with their friends, relatives and co-workers.
What better way to spend a half-hour than by taking a nice early-spring walk on St. Patrick’s Day? And, all the while, knowing that you’re making a huge contribution to the lives of 30 wonderful spirits.
Plus, each walker that raises $30 will get an Official Personalized Tierra Madre “I Walked for the Horses” Certificate commemorating their participation. Simply send in your walkers’ names and addresses and we’ll mail their certificates to them at once.
Oh - and wear green. Remember, it’s St. Patrick’s Day! And, by participating, when somebody tells you to go take a walk, you can say, “Okay!” and actually have a smile on your face.
Download and print the Walk For The Horses Pledge Form