Guest Editorial


Political establishments and the culture of dependency

Expose Obama and shatter the corrupt political status quo

lawrence sellinWe have elections, but we no longer have representative government.

National elections are not about Washington, D.C. responding to the will of the American people; they are about the distribution of power between the two political establishments.

Members of the political establishments parlay that power into influence, privilege and affluence by redistributing the wealth generated by ordinary Americans into their own pockets and those of their friends.

The Democrat establishment is composed of the Democratic Party, liberal financiers, unions and the mainstream media.

The Republican establishment includes big government Republicans, their financiers and pundits masquerading as conservative media.

The objective of both establishments is the same; to maintain a corrupt political status quo unconstrained by the Constitution and the rule of law.

The means by which both establishments maintain the status quo is the same; fostering a culture of dependency.

The Democrat establishment creates a culture of dependency by expanding government control and entitlements fed by tribal politics, which divides America into a collection of minority groups where the only thing that we have in common is our differences.

National Democratic Party Chairwoman, Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Shultz (D-FL), admitted as much when she recently proclaimed the Democratic Party as the “natural home” for minorities. Yeah, just like the plantation and the ghetto.

The Republican establishment produces a culture of dependency by limiting choice.

They want to remain the sole alternative to the Democrats. When grass root movements like the Tea Party arise or independent thinkers speak out, they are co-opted or crushed by the Republican establishment.

They also limit choice by pre-selecting candidates. I believe as do many Americans that Mitt Romney is the candidate who has been anointed by the Republican establishment.

In a private conversation a Republican state chairman stated that Romney was selected as the nominee of the Republican establishment over a year ago.

There is no better evidence of the Romney pre-selection process than the reaction of the Republican establishment after former Speaker Newt Gingrich’s victory in the South Carolina primary.

The Republican establishment did not want just to defeat Gingrich in the Florida primary, they wanted to drive him out of the Presidential race.

Conservative Americans comprise about forty percent of the Republican electorate. The Republican establishment is now in the process of blackmailing conservatives.

The pre-selected Romney mantra proclaims the defeat of Barack Obama as the critical issue of the 2012 election, that he is the best candidate to do so and those conservatives should rally behind him to achieve that glorious goal.

That assertion is Republican establishment nonsense. From their standpoint the 2012 election is about nothing more than gaining more power in Washington, D.C. They are less concerned about Romney beating Obama than winning back the Senate and holding the House to get a tight grip on the financial resources of hard-working Americans.

The fact is that Barack Obama could be brought down today, if his history was properly vetted. The Republican establishment cannot do that because, out of fear and political correctness, they did not perform their due diligence in 2008 and, since then, they have become complicit in a conspiracy of silence. Exposing Obama would also entail exposing their involvement in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

In reality, the 2012 election will be a contest between a left-of-center Republican establishment candidate and a far-left-of-center Democrat establishment candidate to win the right to maintain their own version of the corrupt status quo.

Either way the decline of America will proceed. Our choice will be between a slow or a quick death.

As a citizen who believes in the Constitution, honest government and a genuinely representative republic, there is no major political party in the United States that embodies those interests.

For me there is no one left for whom to vote.

To those Americans, who believe as I do, that Barack Obama is a Constitutionally illegal President who has committed felonies both before and after achieving office, it is also a time of choice.

The Democrat and Republican establishments and the main stream media including conservative media have agreed to bury the issue of Obama’s illegal actions – forever.
They are stalling for time with the expectation that those issues will be overtaken by events.

Under normal circumstances, traditional methods like informing law enforcement and petitioning the courts or elected officials would be the appropriate courses of action, but these are not normal times. Time and the concerted opposition argue against such an approach.

In a military engagement you always hit the enemy where he is most vulnerable. In this situation it is the Republican establishment.

If you really believe these issues are important, then there must be a united effort to tell the Republican establishment now that we will not vote for any Republicans in November 2012 unless they first properly vet Obama.

Expose Obama and there will be a real opportunity for restoration of the Constitution and genuine representative government.

If you believe the Republican establishment’s political blackmail that by threatening to withhold your vote would contribute to Obama’s re-election, then, you should drop the ineligibility and felony issues, join the Republican establishment’s conspiracy of silence and work with them to beat Obama in November.

At this point I anticipate an Obama-Romney contest which I expect Obama to win. Either way, the issues of Obama’s ineligibility for the Presidency and his crimes will never see the light of day in any meaningful way. An Obama victory will crush all opposition and a Romney win will render the issue moot. The Republicans will never investigate because they are now complicit in a cover-up.

In either case, the result is the same. With a dead Constitution there will be no republic left to save.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He receives e-mail at [email protected].