Cave Creek wild West Days
Vote NO on CCUSD override
The long anticipated Running of the Bulls and the Taste of Cave Creek are now behind us. I am sure there are fond memories of both as we anticipate Wild West Days, which brings myriad events and the heralded parade to Cave Creek.
I was on the Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce with a fine group of people who invented Wild West Days. I coordinated with attorneys to register the name and the current chamber still owns the name.
The heroine in all this was Marla McGee, whose shining personality could move mountains. She was the president of the Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce and the chamber members included me, Treasurer Mike Allred, Vice President Paul Rerick, owner of Cave Creek Cowboy Company, Secretary Carol Reill, Gary Fillmore owner of the Blue Coyote and Dina Piaquadio of Harold’s Corral.
Marla proved she could herd cats by assembling 22 of us at Spur Cross Stables for a photo shoot on painfully short notice. She had a collection of cowboy hats, shirts, guns and other accessories to westernize the group.
I treasure the photo which is labeled, “First Annual Cave Creek Wild West Days, October 24, 25 2003, Cave Creek, Arizona, Where the Present Meets the Past.”
Although I can’t recognize all 22 in the photo, I will tell you who I do recognize: On the left side in Johnny Ringo and Tequila Rose, both on horseback. Then me, Mad Coyote Joe, Jack Fairclough, the famous piano player, Bob Boze Bell of True West magazine, Dina Piaquadio, President Marla McGee, VP Paul Rerick, Mayor Vincent Francia, Grace Frederick and Cave Creek Town Manager Usama Abujbarah.
It all started then and the current Chamber has worked hard and long to bring expanded activities this year. Don’t miss it. We are printing a tabloid this week, which includes a map and list of events. Notice the 27 advertisers which made the tabloid possible and put them on your shopping list...
The Cave Creek Unified School District hand is out for a $15 million override, which is paid for by increasing our property tax. Since CCUSD is a public series of schools we already pay for its operation through various taxes. They are asking for additional money even though we already pay through the nose for poor education and inflated administration costs. There has been no serious effort to reduce costs like private industry has been forced to do.
Not only that, but the institution is grossly dishonest. They tried twice to get the legislature to enable them to use bond money for purposes which were not voted on when the bond was approved. The first time their legislative benefactor was Jim Waring, a professional politician that is a likely new Phoenix council member. The CCUSD school board was warned by a school attorney about using the bond funds, and they didn’t.
Along comes another shifty legislator, Nancy Barto who slipped another enabling bill into the mix during the omnibus bill and the school began a program to waste the money for projects never approved by the voters.
Then the Goldwater Institute assigned Attorney Christine Cohen to take a look and she quickly took CCUSD to court. The court found the use of the funds was unconstitutional and a contract violation. The school board still has not decided whether to appeal. It is doubtful the school has a leg to stand on, so they are trying to pick your pocket again with an override.
The schools propaganda stretches truth beyond reason by claiming good schools increase your home values. If it does it is a soft function in a depressed market. In any case more money would not do a thing because lack of money isn’t there problem. Four of the five school board members don’t have enough sense to get inside even though it rarely rains here.
Our teachers are, or can be, union members. Although that AEA knows is, “Give us more money, it is for the kids.” It is for salaries, not the kids.
I got a call from a misled retired person who mentioned several times the same false plea do it for the kids, do it for the kids. It was a robo call.
Many people in the area wonder where the override promoters got their phone numbers since they provided the numbers for only private use. Guess who gave or sold that personal information to the LearnYes advocates?
We made you aware of the allegations a school child gave to parent about Lori Hart allegedly telling her class to find Sonoran News copies and throw them away. The parent was furious and talked to CSHS Principal Steve Beebe, who conceded they had a “personnel problem.” Now Superintendent Debbi Burdick claims there was no complaint filed. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. We do know the student was concerned about retaliation and wouldn’t meet with us. The allegations are too important to let lie and if we have to sue to get the truth, we will.
Remember also Lorie Hart is the wife of Steve Hart, am attorney and president of the Political Action Committee named LearnYes.
We have photographed and sent pictures to the Election’s Department showing cars decorated with LearnYes signs, including Burdick’s car on school property. We believe this is yet another violation of election laws. Good teaching for the “kids.”
I noticed the other day PVUSD has signs in a red, white and blue color scheme, while LearnYes signs are a revolting yellow, guaranteed to get your attention and also trashing our streets.
And where did the money come from for the signs? From architects and builders who had planned to do projects at school until the wonderful Goldwater people rained on CCUD’s parade.
Vote NO on the override!