• Russell Pearce
• Teaching kids to steal
• Moving
• Presidential qualifications
The fund raiser for Senate President Russell Pearce went off as scheduled on Sat. Sept. 17 at the Buffalo Chip Saloon and Steak House. At one point, Chip owner Larry Wendt said they were booked to the legal limit and 80 to 100 people waited outside. Larry gave a great speech outlining what the audience would experience.
Pearce spent a half hour discussing the recall issue he is facing and why he should be supported. The audience clapped and cheered to the point of exhaustion.
Sadly, a mix up occurred and Sheriff Joe Arpaio was out of town. Nonetheless, Local Commander Lt. Rich Burden and Deputy Chief Brian Sands were there.
Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party Thomas P. Morrissey gave a rousing speech which was responded to in Tea Party fashion loudly and with passion. No question the people who attended Pearce’s fund raiser were devoted conservatives.
Further evidence of the conservative nature of the crowd was the many who told me they loved Sonoran News, which, of course, was music to my ears.
After that the Pat James played and people danced, but lines of people visited with Pearce. He was hugged, praised and photographed hundreds of times.
By the way, much to Shari Jo’s chagrin, I am fond of some country western music and Pat James is incredible in that genre. If you are fond of “Cattle Call” as I am, put a few dollars in their “request” hat and ask for it. It is fantastic!
The barbeque dinner was fabulous and indicative of the Chip’s popularity. Thanks Larry for a great event!
Pearce is a busy guy and, as a Republican agent, said, this is a tough election. It’s not a primary, so Democrats can and will vote. I pray voters understand what a patriot is and why he is being recalled. Mexican cabals are behind it all, apparently with serious outside support.
The good news is there is a state-wide rally for Pearce at 7 p.m. on Oct. 14 at the Cubs Stadium in Mesa. The list of dignitaries and speakers is impressive. If you are unable to attend and would like to support him with a donation visit
Teaching kids to steal
We got a call from a parent who has a child in Lori Hart’s class at CSHS. The parent said, according to his child, Hart is telling the kids to seek out bundles of Sonoran News and destroy them. The parent also called CSHS Principal Steve Beebe and said Beebe agreed what the teacher did is improper.
The parent only knew Lori Hart was a teacher but didn’t know she is the wife of Stephen Hart, chairman of the Political Action Committee LearnYes, advocating passage of a 15 percent budget override.
I have often stated that one issue of Sonoran News is free, while subsequent issues are $0.50. We once had a local man cited by MCSO for stealing and trashing our newspaper because we had a front page article about his illegal activities.
So, if students were foolish enough to follow Hart’s advice they could be guilty of misdemeanors or felonies. What parent would agree with this type of “teaching?”
The parent agreed to let MCSO interview the student and hopefully that will extend to other class members as well.
This is absolutely unbelievable – a school teaching kids to steal and destroy?
The move
We are frantically stuffing boxes and our official moving day is Sept. 30, so our Oct. 5 online edition will be from 6702 E. Cave Creek Road, frequently called the True West building.
In tough times, to get more space for less cost is a great start in driving Sonoran News back to weekly printing.
Presidential qualifications
I hope voters have learned what an incompetent and worse Obama is.
Tell me why any office holder would hide his life, his history? Obviously Obama is hiding stuff. Linda Bentley has found dozens of serious issues with this individual that should be seriously investigated.
It bothers me that even the conservative press doesn’t get it. A major point is Obama is ineligible to be president because his alleged father was not a U.S. citizen. Hello world!
Not only that, but even Sean Hannity drools over the possibility of Mario Rubio being vice president or president. I agree it would be great but he was born to Cuban parents and he is therefore ineligible. Has Hannity read the Constitution?
Sheriff Joe Arpaio adds a huge additional feather in his hat by agreeing to investigate the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate. Arpaio has subpoena power to do this vital investigation.
Go Joe!