Back to school time!
How to keep Fido from getting bored now that the kids are gone
Another summer has come and gone. The kids are back in school and your life is back on the fast track. Soccer games, after school activities, PTA meetings and other countless endeavors are going to be taking up your time. Through all this commotion, don’t forget about your furry friend at home. He has become quite accustomed to people being home all of the time. This sudden change in schedule may leave your dog bored and primed for problems such as destruction of your house.
So, what can a dog owner do to help decrease the possibility of your pooch getting stir-crazy? The simplest thing to do is ensure that he gets enough exercise. I am talking about structured exercise such as a daily walk which not only expends energy but adds a routine. Think of your dog as a teenage boy who is cooped up in the house for long periods of time ---without his X-Box! You can only expect him to behave for so long before activity is needed. Another helpful trick is to give your pooch something to occupy his mind while you are gone. Kong ® toys are great for this purpose. Many of these toys have compartments where you can hide treats and dogs love to spend hours getting them out of the toy. Some online stores even sell pet food dispensers in the form of puzzles.
These are just a few hints that can be helpful for the average dog that has to adapt to a new schedule. However, there are some dogs who get severely distressed when their owner leaves the house. These dogs have a condition called ‘separation anxiety’ and may need the assistance of a professional. If your dog becomes severely distressed when you leave and the tricks I mentioned do not help then contact me at Animal Health Services 480-488-6181 or email me at [email protected].
AUGUST 17, 2011
Local lion
One of our horses was attacked by a mountain lion early Saturday morning. The photo shows the size of the slashing paw. There was also a two-foot long scratch where the Cougar apparently tried to slash his neck. The photo of the mountain lion was taken earlier next to our property. Caution to all foothills animal owners large and small as well as hikers/bicyclists in the area.
Submitted by Dr. John Amaro and Dr. Debra Richel.