The chains that bind

It's just that way with unions. It has been for decades. Forget any fond visions of Norma Rae. Those days are long gone. Now it is the union bosses and their henchmen who commit all of the crimes. Oftentimes dragging their kids into the act.
Consider the current case of Verizon. Union bosses from the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) are picketing Verizon with such ferociousness that already there are over 70 reported acts of sabotage and vandalism. I watched a video of a union militant stopping a Verizon truck by ordering his young daughter to stand in front of it while he hurled four-letter words at the "scabs" inside the vehicle.
The National Right to Work Committee ( just announced that one of its priorities is to force Congress to eliminate one of Big Labor's most egregious special privileges: allowing vicious acts of violence, extortion, vandalism and even murder to go unprosecuted and unpunished.
Ever since the Supreme Court's 1973 Enmons decision, union bosses have been granted immunity from federal prosecution for acts of violence and vandalism they orchestrate in the so-called "pursuit of legitimate union objectives." There you have it. Free passes to mug and thug at will.
The National Right to Work is circulating a petition to urge Congress to end this outrage. It is called the "Freedom from Union Violence Act" and would finally allow authorities to prosecute union officials for inciting violence. (Gee, I wonder if we could apply that to race-baiter Al Sharpton?)
That's why I'm delighted to see that the unions failed in their attempt to recall Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio after intimidating his family. But don't for a minute buy their line about not wanting to cost the citizens of Phoenix the $200,000 or so for a special election. Since when have unions ever worried about costing taxpayers money, even if it means the demise of a city or state?
More good news: The predictions of doom and gloom by the teachers' union in Wisconsin in their fight with Gov. Walker have failed to materialize. In fact, the opposite is happening.
Since the bill to curtail the collective bargaining of some public employees has taken effect, some school districts are calling the bill a "godsend."
The Kaukauna School District near Appleton, Wisconsin, estimates that the policies put into effect will turn a $400,000 deficit into a $1.5 million surplus! In the past, teachers paid only 10 percent of the cost of their health insurance coverage and none of the pensions costs. Now they will pay a paltry 12.6 percent of their health insurance and 5.8 percent of salary to their pensions.
Here's but one example in this district. Their contract with the unions forced them to purchase health insurance coverage from a company (WEA Trust) created by the Wisconsin teachers' union. With a single vendor, of course the costs skyrocketed. Now, the school district is free to shop around for coverage and, miracle of miracles, WEA Trust suddenly says it will match the lowest bid! Voila!
The changes in Wisconsin, so hated by the unions, are allowing Kaukauna to hire more teachers and institute merit pay. Good things could happen in Phoenix, also, if the unions do not succeed on August 30 in taking over the Phoenix City Council, as is their master plan.
Phoenix city officials are accused of violating state law by excluding two candidates from the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce televised debate held on town property. The rejects aren't union lackeys. Make Hizzoner rue the day.