AUGUST 9, 2011
Gucci needs a home
My wife and I have a 7-year-old registered quarter horse Gucci, "Daddy Buy me Gucci." We have had him for about 2 years. He has problems with his left rear leg that he seems to easily injure just being out in pasture. Neither we nor vet have been able to figure out without spending huge amounts of money with diagnostic imaging such as MRIs. We have done things like have his hocks injected or using anti-inflammatory supplements or occasional Bute ... he keeps having problems. It saddens us a great deal and we feel like we can not sell him due to soundness issues and related liability and absolutely do not want to take to any auction.
As a result we are contemplating putting him down. It breaks our hearts yet we do not know what to do at this point in time. Do you have any suggestions on how to find him a home ...
Timothy Mathews
[email protected]
AUGUST 4, 2011
Come Join the Fun!
LUV Shack Ranch at Rockaway Hills Ranch 10 a.m. – Noon Saturday, August 6
6206 E. Rockaway Hills Road in Cave Creek
This Saturday the 2011 Trainers of the Wild West Days LUV Shack Trainers Challenge will be out at The Ranch to pick their horses lottery style!
That’s right! They will draw numbers to pick their horses for the Challenge.
You’re invited! We will have plenty of excitement as the 10 trainers pick their 10 untamed horses.
Each trainer will take their Luv Shack horse and train it at their facility over the next 90 days … then, they will show off what their trusty mount has learned at The Trainers' Challenge during Wild West Days weekend, November 4 - 6.
Thanks to all the Trainers who have stepped up to help these horses in need find new homes.
Hot dogs and drinks will be available.
Bonus: At 1 p.m. Brandi Lyons will be doing a Colt starting exhibition on her WILD choice! $10 donation requested.
Visit www.LuvShackRanch.com.
AUGUST 4, 2011
Paintings created by the 34 horses of Tierra Madre Horse Sanctuary featured at the Concert for the Horses Fundraiser
Jim Gath, founder of the Tierra Madre Horse Sanctuary, is the father to thirty four lucky, now healthy and happy previously abandoned, neglected, injured or abused horses.
Says Gath, “Horses of Tierra Madre Sanctuary offers good care, a lot of room, good food, a lot of love and understanding and a lot of treats – a place where horses can enjoy being horses. And they love to paint!”
Gath and friends will provide the music for the Concert for Horses fundraiser. Take home your very own painting created by the Horses of Tierra Madre Sanctuary. You can view the horse and paintings at www.tierramadrehorsesanctuary.org on YouTube (Jim Gath) Facebook http://on.fb.me/qiSDeN.
Concert for the Horses Fundraiser
Where: Cave Creek Coffee Company
When: Saturday, August 13, 2011
Time: Doors open at 7 p.m., Music starts at 8 p.m.
Address: 6033 E. Cave Creek Rd, Cave Creek, AZ 85331
Phone: 480-488-0603
Donation: $20
Raffles, Door Prizes, Silent Auction and admission to benefit Horses of Tierra Madre Sanctuary,
a 501-C-3 non-profit organization.
Jim Gath can be reached at 480-747-1070
AUGUST 3, 2011
Hot weather calls for cool care of your horse
In the good old summertime … it’s just plain old hot! For equestrian riding enthusiasts this necessitates paying extra attention to your horse’s physical needs and changing your riding habits.
“Heat related illness such as heat stress can quickly become heat exhaustion if preventive measures are not taken,” notes Dr. Glennon Mays, clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences.
Hot humid weather combined with over exertion and fluid loss can lead to heat stress. Signs of heat stress include dehydration, elevated body temperature, excessive sweating or no sweating, accelerated heart and respiratory rates, and sluggishness, says Mays.
“To check for dehydration, use your forefinger and thumb to pinch and pull the skin on the side of your horse’s neck; it should snap back in place when released. If the skin is slow to form to the neck again your horse is dehydrated,” explains Mays.
A horse’s normal body temperature range is 99 to 101 degrees F; body temperature above 103 F is cause for concern since 104 F and greater generally require medical attention. Additionally, you should be aware of your horse’s pulse and respiration rates. Normal equine resting pulse rate is 32-44 beats per minute and respiration rate is usually 8-16 breaths per minute, notes Mays.
In addition to checking vital signs, you can help your horse avoid heat stress this summer by providing clean fresh water, good ventilation and shade. Also, ride in the early morning or late evening when outdoor temperatures are cooler, suggests Mays.
“Adequate water intake is critical. An average size horse needs about 10 gallons of fresh water per day. In the summertime, a physically active adult horse may consume more than 20 gallons of water daily,” notes Mays. “Water loss from sweating also means that electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and calcium) are lost and these need to be replaced after exercising. Free access to minerals and salt will help your horse maintain its electrolyte balance. Your veterinarian can advise you with instructions on ways to mix electrolytes into your horse’s water or feed.”
Your horse’s stall should be well ventilated with good air circulation. Regular fans help circulate air inside the building. Be sure that fans and electrical cords are out of your horse’s reach and safely distanced from water sources, cautions Mays. For pastured horses, provide shade via trees or loafing sheds.
During and after physical activity, your horse moves warm interior blood through veins and into capillaries at the skin’s surface, explains Mays. When the skin of your horse is cooled this surface blood is cooled also and thus the body temperature of your horse decreases. A cool water bath will help your overheated horse dissipate excess heat faster. The water conducts the heat from the surface of the horse and water evaporation from the skin cools your horse’s body. Standing the horse in cool water also helps to dissipate heat through the hooves.
Heat related illness can be a very serious condition for your horse and should not be taken casually, cautions Mays. A well-informed horse owner is capable of preventing overheating from occurring when he/she knows the signs of heat stress and what care to provide.
Be aware of the signs of heat stress. Tailor you riding time to humidity and temperature conditions. Provide ample fresh clean water and additional sources of electrolytes. Set up fans to help circulate air around your horse. Also, remember the rider exposes him/herself to potential heat-related issues. Take appropriate precautions for yourself as well!
Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University. Stories can be viewed at http://tamunews.tamu.edu.
AUGUST 1, 2011
Can you or someone you know help this mare?
Dolce Has Anhidrosis
Dolce is a 4 year old paint horse that was rescued off of a truck headed to Mexico. Her baby is being weaned, and has recently been adopted.
It has been discovered that Dolce has anhidrosis, which means that she has lost the ability to sweat.
LUV Shack Ranch Horse Rescue is looking for a foster or adoptive home for Dolce in a cooler climate. They would like to move her as soon as possible. She is currently at the rescue in the Phoenix area where the temperatures are regularly over 100 degrees.
If you are able to help, please contact the rescue at 602-400-0826.
LUV Shack Ranch Horse Rescue
At Rockaway Hills Ranch · 6206 E. Rockaway Hills Road · Cave Creek, AZ 85331