Assaults on Sonoran News
I published and mailed this letter in 2009.
You may receive threats from people who are asserting Sonoran News is “negative” about CCUSD matters. They have been joined by political pressure groups from Carefree.
First of all, award winning Sonoran News is only guilty of factual and quality reporting as well as thoughtful editorials.
So far, these people have threatened to boycott companies which advertise in Sonoran News.
There is a legal principle called “Tortious Interference with Contract.” According to Harper Law PLC, “A contract, in its simplest terms, is a written or oral agreement between two or more people. Most people understand that a party to a contract may be liable if they fail to live up to their contractual obligations. It is also true, however, that if a third party interferes with the parties contractual expectations, the third party may be liable based on his or her interference with the contract.”
All Sonoran News advertisers are protected by this law and given sufficient information we will sue any and all transgressors for damages. Please contact your ad rep if you are threatened and provide information, especially the identity of the individual or organization.
Don Sorchych
Sonoran News Publisher
Now history is repeating with a nasty letter written to our advertisers, sometimes followed by a phone call – this time, preceded by a week with the e-mail below:
From: [email protected]
Nice article this week! Let me be clear, there was a lot of sarcasm in that. It looks like you had a very large empty space in your newspaper and needed to fill it but were too lazy to do it correctly. Rather you decided to copy and paste most of the article from Bentley's former piece. Good thing that there aren't enough readers to where it would matter. AND you know what I really loved? The fact that the title and 60% of the article were unrelated.
As I said in my previous email to Linda, it is a horrible business model to attack one of the largest and most powerful sectors of the Cave Creek community-the IB program and CCUSD in general. I'm glad you enjoy attacking people probably a fifth of your age. :) Maybe your need to attack children is reflective of a potentially jaded life?
Anyway thanks for always keeping me entertained. Your greatest fan,
Internet sleuthing revealed the writer is a 26 year old female. Anyway we will find out who the writer is and see if she has connections with the letter writer.
The letter itself is about 135 words long.
Dear Sonoran News Advertiser;
You obviously are concerned about your business and believe that effective advertising is one of the keys to keeping revenue coming in the front door.
Then why do you support such a negative, divisive and controversial publication with your advertising dollars? I am sure you also recognize that word of mouth within the community is the most effective advertising you can 'buy'.
You CAN do better.
You are probably already learning that citizens in our community are turning away from the negativity and divisive rhetoric that comes from this 'publication'.
More are standing up and taking notice of those who support this poor excuse for a newspaper - and pledging NOT do business with Sonoran News advertisers.
Please consider your advertising options carefully. Your business depends on it.
Your neighbors ARE watching
So far we have received several of the letters from advertisers who are livid that anyone would threaten them and tell them not to advertise with us. Of course, as with the first letter from years ago explained, this is an illegal action and is subject to prosecution.
We have carefully saved the letters and envelopes. Some of the addresses on the envelopes were hand written and some typed, perhaps indicating more than one person was involved.
All of the letters will be given to MCSO for examination by detectives. The letters and envelopes will be tested for fingerprints.
Copies have been distributed to the postmaster because sending mail urging illegal actions through the USPS is a violation of federal law.
And last, our favorite private investigator has all the information and is now doing what private investigators do.
We encourage advertisers to call us and we will pick up these letters. If you are called, see if you can get a phone number and record it if you can (It is legal). And if you have ideas or suggestions, please call.
Obviously, these creatures have no love for freedom of the press or First Amendment rights.
We also have competitors lying about Sonoran News to steal advertisements. Through our loyal advertisers we have been told that the monthly City Sun Times shopper “Account Representative” Bob Hesselgesser has claimed we lie about our distribution and are going out of business.
This e-mail was sent to City Managing editor Kathryn Miller Morgan:
Your employee, named Bob Hesselgesser is well known since he worked for the now bankrupt Desert Advocate and was fired by the Foothills Focus for working for them and you at the same time. Recently we documented statements from several customers who wrote they were advised by him we lie about our distribution and were going out of business. Both statements are false and therefore libelous. Unless he stops his lies immediately you both will face a lawsuit.
Don Sorchych
Sonoran News Publisher
No answer has been received, yet, but they would be wise to consult with their lawyer.
Hesselgesser’s reputation precedes him. A woman who owns a local business called him “the enforcer.” He claimed she owed the Desert Advocate money and he would stand at the front door of her business and glare at her. She said she owed no money to them and had to bring her husband to her business for protection.
Foothills Focus Owner John Alexander told me his eight racks in Black Canyon City were vandalized and City papers were placed in his racks. Both he and his wife Karen have complained to City Publisher Hope Ozer, but it happened again the next month, according to John Alexander.