Happy trails makes happy tails
The arrival of summer means a lot of different things to different people. Whether you are taking a “stay-cation” or a embarking on a “go-cation,” you must plan for your pet’s nutritional needs. Most of the time, our fur kids are traveling with us, their own suitcases loaded to the brim. Being prepared is not just about how to pack their food for the trip – it is much more.
With all the events involving our favorite summer foods at home or during travel it is easy for Fido and Fluffy to let their opportunist personalities shine. Have you ever noticed how much dogs love paper plates at family BBQs? A soggy paper plate is a dog’s best friend. And you thought it was you!
Isn’t it adorable how Fido remembers and loves Aunt Coco! Or is it really because Aunt Coco is sharing her hot dog? (Did you know that a 20 pound dog eating just 1 hot dog is the same as a 5’ 4” person consuming 3 entire hamburgers or 2 whole chocolate bars?*) Even if we dismiss the caloric intake, the risk of Fido getting seriously ill is very high. The ingestion of table scraps, garbage, unusual foods and high-fat human food can lead to a serious case of pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas causing vomiting, abdominal pain, depression, anorexia, fever and diarrhea), requiring a visit to the vet). Way to have a fun vacation, eh?
Excluding your furry friends from your summer travel plans or celebrations is not an option – they are part of the family. But there are things you can do to make sure every family member enjoys their vacation time and attendance at these fun events.
Pet Food Storage: If you are traveling away from your home base, make sure you bring your pet’s regular food and treats in well sealed containers.
Food and Treats: Bring plenty of your furry friends’ regular treats. Diet changes can cause un-expected diarrhea which would be a disaster in the car or at a BBQ.
Environmental Concerns: If traveling by car, don’t forget to make lots of rest stops for exercise and playtime with your pup. Car travel can cause a lot of pent up energy that you may not want to deal with come bedtime. Under no circumstances, relegate your pet to a hot car. This is a death trap.
Veterinarian Check-in: Check in with your Vet to be sure your pet is up-to-date on vaccinations and have an ample supply of Fido’s necessary meds. Carry a copy of vaccinations and a health certificate when flying or crossing borders.
Finally, have a wonderful and safe summer with the whole family! Remember, happy trails make happy tails!
For full article visit www.ahsvet.com, keyword “travel.”
*Iinformation provided by Hill’s® Pet Nutrition
Former Executive Chef, Julie Cordwell decided to combine her interest in food and love of pets by obtaining her Veterinary Nutrition Advocate certificate. She is currently the Pet Nutrition Consultant for Animal Health Services.
JUNE 22, 2011
Tips for a pet safe Independence Day
PHOENIX – July 4 is no "blast" for pets. For a safe Independence Day holiday:
Resist the urge to take pets to festivities. Keep them safe from the noise in a quiet, sheltered and escape-proof area inside your home.
Never leave pets outside unattended, even in a fenced yard or on a chain. In their fear of loud noises, pets may escape or become entangled in their chain, risking injury or death.
Leave a television or radio playing at normal volume to keep your pet company while you're away. Some animals can become destructive when frightened, so remove any items your pet could destroy or that would be harmful to your pet if chewed.
Never use fireworks around pets. Lit fireworks can result in severe burns and trauma to the face and paws of curious pets. Unused fireworks often contain toxic substances such as potassium nitrate and arsenic.
Make sure your pets are wearing identification tags so they can be returned promptly, if lost. Animals found without owner identification should be taken to Maricopa Animal Care and Control, where they will have the best chance of being reunited with their owners.
Do not leave your pet in the car. Your pet can suffer serious health effects – even death – in a few short minutes. Partially opened windows allow your pet to be stolen.
Never leave alcoholic drinks, which have the potential to poison pets, unattended where pets can reach them. The animal could become very intoxicated and weak, severely depressed, go into a coma or die from respiratory failure.
If you are using a barbeque grill, be sure everything hot is out of reach of hungry dog noses. Some food and drink may be toxic to pets. Make sure gates to your yard are kept closed while you entertain guests.
For more information, visit the Arizona Animal Welfare League & Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (www.aawl.org).
JUNE 22, 2011
Win a trip to Tierra Madre!
That’s right! You can win an all-expense paid, three-day, two-night trip for two to Tierra Madre Horse Sanctuary in Cave Creek, Arizona!
The winner and guest will be staying at the enchanting Spur Cross Inn, a lovely spirit-of-the-west bed and breakfast in historic Cave Creek. The Saguaro Casita features a king-sized bed, a built-in daybed, a fireplace and a garden tub with Jacuzzi-type jets, as well as a kitchenette, cable TV and wireless internet. The picture window views of the mountains to the north are unmatched in the Sonoran Desert.
You can visit their website at http://www.spurcrossbnb.com/.
A full breakfast will be served daily in the main house.
Plus – there are two horses on the premises – a rescued ex-polo pony and her two-year old son. And they’re friendly, too.
Transportation will be provided by Tierra Madre and our winner and guest are welcome to spend as much time here on the ranch as they desire.
One evening will feature a cook-out here at the ranch and one night we’ll have dinner at one of the top restaurants in Cave Creek. Also, the quaint little town of Cave Creek is a terrific place to shop for all things western and features dozens of mom and pop stores within a short walking distance of each other.
This is your chance to come and hang out with the Horses of Tierra Madre and to be a living part of the day-to-day workings of the ranch.
The winner will have the choice of two weekends: either Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 7, 8 and 9 or October 14, 15 and 16.
The winner will be chosen on Saturday, July 30th and will be notified immediately.
As always, raffle tickets are available at $10 for one ticket & 3 tickets for $25.
Entry donations can be sent via the PayPal function on our website, or check or money orders can be mailed to:
Tierra Madre Horse Sanctuary
27115 N. 45th St.
Cave Creek, AZ 85331
The value of this prize is estimated at about $2,000.
And – if you live in the Phoenix area, don’t hesitate to enter. Everybody can use a weekend away from home. And – we’ll throw in two airline tickets to either Los Angeles or Las Vegas!
This is the best raffle we’ve ever done. Enter early and enter often!
The Horses of Tierra Madre can’t wait to meet and hang out with you!