Improved delivery • Pearce will win
In our haste to deliver Sonoran News with USPS we just let it happen, but the results have been gratifying. A number have called to say thank you and they hadn’t received Sonoran News in a while. Even better, the mail delivery stimulated several calls to advertise.
Like most Cave Creek businesses we receive the sting of absent tourists and welcome the day they return. Things get sleepy in the summertime and vacations are tempting to visit cooler climates.
You may be aware we were delivering Sonoran News in a hybrid fashion. USPS delivered to Cave Creek and Carefree post offices and in Zip Codes 85262 and 85266. Homes in 85255 and 85331 received driveway delivery. Although home delivery is substantially cheaper, it is less reliable. Absent a full-time circulation manager to assure delivery to planned locations, we faced spotty performance that needed correction.
Some customers think we have a mailing list with names and addresses. We don’t. We use bulk mailing service from data supplied by the post office and have no way to stop individual delivery.
We are pleased with the response and encourage readers to visit our advertisers. Thank you for letting them know you read about them in Sonoran News.
Russell Pearce
The hostile reaction to state Senate President Russell Pearce by illegal aliens is both predictable and understandable. He wants illegals out of the state and they want the luxuries of the United States without earning it.
The federal government has deliberately allowed continued invasion by illegal aliens and the annual estimated net cost, exclusive of taxes they pay, is $113 billion.
Arizona spends $2.5 billion annually, thanks to their illegal residency here. Without them we would have a balanced budget.
Notice illegal immigration has become the third rail of politics. Recall any questions or discussion among Republican candidates for president about perhaps the most important problem we face? Some may mention amnesty, but they all are seeking the Hispanic vote and contributions from the many Republican businessmen who profit from cheap labor and their purchases. Legal Hispanics I know are against illegal border crossers so the candidates’ fear of losing for the Hispanic vote is largely misplaced.
Look what happened to five bills in the Arizona legislature which were defeated by nine so-called Republicans who joined Democrats following the pukes who signed a Chamber of Commerce letter damning the bills. And who authored those bills? President Russell Pearce, of course, the patriot. Legislators should be following him rather than defeating him by sliming to the Democrats.
Dissidents to Pearce turned in about 17,000 recall signatures. Last week, Maricopa County Elections reported they had 8,200 signatures, exceeding the state’s requirement of 7,756. It will be up to the governor to decide when a recall election will be held.
Sonoran News Reporter Linda Bentley volunteered to help determine the validity of the petitions and wrote an article about her experience, titled, “Pearce recall petitions indicate massive voter registration fraud.” Her findings are important enough to repeat in this (June 22) issue.
Bentley found infractions of election laws and processes were abundant. After all, the intent of those who seek to recall Pearce is to induce fear in the legislature to not write further laws about illegal aliens. Given the infamous nine Democrats in Republican disguise and Governor Jan Brewer’s veto pen it appears these sanctimonious Latino activists have accomplished their goal. This is especially true if illegals vote, and they do.
The registration voter form asks many questions. Applicants applying to vote simply who leave blanks still are given approval to vote. It is suspected stolen identification is used and counterfeit documents are universal among illegals. Proof of citizenship is on hold pending appeal.
Even though elections is saying the requisite number of votes have been approved for the recall, a serious investigation would likely show there are not enough legal voters to trigger a recall. Bentley found a Mexican woman who has voting rights under three different last names at the same home address. She is likely an illegal also, in which case she has no right to vote. If she is legal, she has a right to vote once, not three times. The elections department is a mess and Prop. 200, passed by the voter’s in 2004 which would have forced potential voters to prove citizenship, remains in court. So far Prop. 200 lost in a three person tribunal by a 2-1 vote with former Supreme Court Justice and Arizona citizen Sandra J. O’Connor voting against the rights of Arizona voters.
We have a very sick state and country when the likes of Pearce are trampled by our own laws. For those talk show hosts who lambast Pearce for allegedly taking tickets from the Fiesta Bowl people, I say get a life. His contributions to this state are so overwhelming his nits are being picked by a bunch of know it alls. After all, Pearce is a consummate conservative and has targets all over him. Many would like to take him down.
It won’t happen. If he has to face the recall, which would be way unfair, he will win the election.
I think Bentley’s finding should give Pearce ammunition to fight this recall before it ever happens.
2012 is a pivotal year. The country cannot survive another four years of imposter Barack Hussein Obama. It will be a fierce election because Obama’s war chest will be at a historical high, often estimated at over a billion dollars.
Likewise this state needs to eliminate RINOs like Sen. Nancy Barto R-Dist. 7, and her friends who voted with the Democrats against Pearce’s bills. Fortunately, RINO Governor Brewer is term limited.
The Tea Party that has been miraculous nationwide will need to raise real money to get the likes of Barto out. Last I looked the healthcare industry and unions had donated about $70,000 to her war chest.
Anybody have pictures?