UNESCO and IB brainwashing
We have often pointed out the ills of school International Baccalaureate (IB) programs. I was surprised to see a television video of the much heralded Walter Cronkite mouthing the virtues and necessity of a one world government as is preached in the IB program. Wouldn’t you know party school ASU would name a journalistic building after Cronkite?
In last week’s printed edition, Linda Bentley wrote a splendid article titled “CSHS IB juniors misrepresent services provided by selected charity.” Bentley pointed out being charitable could occupy benefit children in the U.S. and they could use their time learning English.
She also connected the dots of the IB program with its Marxist roots and connection to UNESCO, a corrupt United Nations program. Here are the relevant parts of her article:
“However, in 1996, IBO formed a partnership with UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization) to form an international education system.
“UNESCO initially attempted to impose its international curriculum to prepare students for world government in 1949 using a 10-part series for teachers titled: “Toward World Understanding,” which stated “one of the chief aims of education today should be to prepare boys and girls to take an active part in the creation of a world society.
“It also stated, ‘As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism. The school should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes that favor jingoism.’
“President Ronald Reagan abandoned the United States’ relationship with UNESCO in 1984, citing the U.S. had no business being affiliated with such an utterly corrupt organization.
“Although President George W. Bush told the United Nations it would rejoin UNESCO in 2002, telling Congress the organization had reformed, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, introduced a resolution that indicated Congress should not rejoin UNESCO.
“Paul stated, ‘It is strange that in the 18 years since the United States left UNESCO, we only started reading about the beginnings of reform in the year 2000. Are we to believe that after nearly two decades of no change in UNESCO’s way of mismanaging itself things have changed so much in just two years? Is it worth spending $60 million per year on an organization with such a terrible history of waste, corruption and anti-Americanism?’
“However, even if UNESCO was reforming its financial accountability during that period of time, Paul said ‘its programmatic activities are still enough to cause great concern among those of us who value American sovereignty and honor our Constitution.’
“UNESCO sought to license and control all journalists, broadcasters and media personnel worldwide without any regard to the U.S. Constitution.
"In 2003, UNESCO, while under the leadership of former Soviet Dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, was still marching to a Marxist one-world order tune.
“And, as we eliminate the ability of children to pray in government schools, schools have encouraged adoption of UNESCO’s Earth Charter as its new global spirituality of worshiping the Earth itself.
"While the IB Class of 2012 students who claim to think apparently doesn’t feel a need to read or learn what their ‘Thinker’ T-shirt sales would be funding, they at least picked a faith-based organization that believes in God.”
So according to UNESCO I am a “jingoist.” The American Heritage Dictionary says a jingoist is, “One who vociferously supports his country, extreme nationalism marked especially by belligerent foreign policy.”
Yep, that is me, and what I stand for and I “breathe the poisoned air of nationalism” with great pride. It is no wonder the half-baked IB students would libel us. I would bet parents of IB students have no clue of the above and I would hope a majority would yank the do-gooders out of the IB program.
As far as foreign aid is concerned, Obama recently stated that it is less than one percent of the budget and not worth bothering with. Really? One percent of about three trillion dollars is not pocket change and foreign aid is corrupt and usually lines the pockets of dictators.
The global obligations have stretched everywhere. When a grandson applied for medical school he faced discounted points without social and charitable contributions. So he went to South America on an extended medical mission and contracted jungle diseases while there. He is an IB graduate, but retained his conservatism, as has his sister and younger brother. But they were home schooled until high school and were taught American values, culture and what patriotism means by their parents.
A friend who is now retired motorcycle rides up here to get the paper every other week. He taught in both public and private schools.
In a discussion last week he spoke of public schools where students develop the gimmee disease due to free education, free food and free transportation. So he said they expect the government to take care of their every need, in other words a liberal.
In contrast, private schools have a measure of profit and must earn every dime. Parents are willing to pay to give their child a better education and usually kids leave these schools as independent beings.
In CCUSD’s case voters approved a bond measure which included building a new high school based on faulty projections. When they didn’t need the school, they eventually issued the bonds anyway at a cost of about $50,000 dollars each month in interest alone. So School Board President David Schaeffer and his school board buddy VP Mark Warren with probable support of Superintendant Debbi Burdick, got a willing politician, then Rep. Nancy Barto, R-Dist. 7, to sneak in a floor amendment to an existing Omnibus Bill allowing CCUSD to use the bond proceeds for their purposes. The school board salivated over the proceeds and planned various unneeded expenditures until Goldwater Institute rained on their parade with a lawsuit. Goldwater followed that with a warning about illegally using school resources to promote a planned 15 percent override. This is something CCUSD has done during every election even after signing a consent agreement with the Maricopa Attorney’s Office which included classes to educate them on election laws. They are either slow learners or hopelessly unethical. Really good role models for growing kids, aren’t they?