MAY 9, 2011

Fire restrictions on State Trust Lands

PHOENIX – Fire and smoking restrictions are being implemented by the State Forestry Division on State Trust Lands beginning Wednesday, May 11 at 12 p.m. noon and running through July 31 or until further notice. (Authority:  A.R.S § 37.623)

The restrictions have become necessary due to increased fire danger and are being implemented to prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public health and safety.

Contributing factors are weather conditions – high temperatures, low humidity and high wind; as well as the conditions of desert and forest landscapes statewide including dry brush and grasses.

The prohibition will apply to State Trust Lands statewide.

campfireThe restrictions are as follows:
• Building, maintaining or using a fire, campfire, or charcoal burning device is prohibited. (Petroleum-fueled stoves, lanterns, or heating devices are exempt from these restrictions.);
• Smoking is prohibited unless: it is within an enclosed vehicle, building, developed campground, or in an area at least 10 feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials;
• Welding or operating acetylene or other torch device with an open flame is prohibited.

These restrictions apply to everyone with permits and leases issued by the State Land Department. State, Federal, and local fire and law enforcement officers as well as members of organized firefighting forces are exempt from these prohibitions while in the performance of official duties.

As always, fireworks are not allowed on State Trust Lands.

For fire restrictions on all jurisdictions statewide:

Information and tips on wildfire safety and preparedness can be found at: Arizona Interagency Twitter:!/wildlandfireAZ 

For more information on State Trust Land, visit the State Land Department website: