APRIL 13 – 19, 2011
Your View
It was a crappy day for a parade but the hardiest ones (some might say the craziest ones) lined the street to watch the other hardy ones go by. At least it didn’t snow!
I like the town of Carefree's plan for an enclosed water slide. But no surprise to me that they are cutting out Cave Creek from any of the proceeds. Typical.
Pray for the people of Japan and do what you can to help. They are struggling to do everything we, and they, took for granted – having ample food that is safe to eat, supplying drinking water and schooling their children.
I didn’t hear Miller’s reaction to the merger of Carefree and Cave Creek. I gather Schwan is okay with it or we would have heard something by now, wouldn’t you think?
Abetted by Sen. "Bamboozler" Barto CCUSD #93 wants to spend $13 million of taxpayer cash for projects voters never authorized. But reporting of Sonoran News led to the Goldwater Institute lawsuit against the expenditure; the odds of the courts allowing the spending to proceed are close to zero. Predictably Cave Creek Superintendent Burdick reportedly stated the work is for "our buildings and our students." If the school district needs money for so-called "repairs" (actually lighting upgrades, repainting, and a laundry list of items) why not simply ask voters to approve a new bond issue to raise the funds? Hope-fully CCUSD #93 will not try to save face by frittering away taxpayer money on lawyers trying to defend a hopeless "bait and switch" legal position.
The Fiesta Days parade on Saturday morning was a hoot! The weather was miserable and it started late, but the people who showed up had tons of fun. Our Parade Marshall Steven Segall was so bundled up he was unrecognizable. Only in Cave Creek!
New Obama Program: No Child Left a Dime!
The chili cook-off at Frontier Town was going strong despite the weather on Saturday. The hot chili on a cold day was perfect!
DFCA and the Cave Creek Chamber put on an extravaganza they call Fiesta Days. We don’t need Obama’s national volunteerism plan shoved down our throats. People here get it. Thank you! Congratulations for an incredible effort. We appreciate your community spirit and tirelessness.
Mark my words, both Cave Creek and Carefree will rue that day they made it easy for people to get pot. Have these people forgotten there is a federal law that prohibits having or using pot? I don’t know about Carefree but I live in Cave Creek and there are currently abundant pot smokers. If they want to risk being taken down by law enforcement, fine. But we don’t have to be part of the problem.
I see councilman-to-be Jim Van Allen appeared on (Lyn) Hitchon’s blog. If that doesn’t tie him to the good old boys, then what? I can’t imagine anyone I voted for would be that brazen. I won’t vote for him again.
We’re all sick of reading about Lyn Hitchon. The entire world has moved on so we’d appreciate it if Your View commentators would too. Think of something deserving of comment. Search for signs of intelligence. They do exist.
So Nancy Barto was caught in the limelight for creating an illegal bond use for CCUSD. Will she give donations back to unionized teachers and administrators? On another subject she earned the largess from Blue Cross/ Blue Shield by joining the Democrats to defeat Senate President Russell Pearce’s well-crafted bills. How long will voters keep this pariah in office?
If you were in Arizona over the weekend, you know the global warming kooks are just that – kooky!
The CCUSD #93 Board is setting a poor example of character for its students – well, most of the members of the board.
Rodeo on Friday night was awesome! It was a first and we like it. Next year Friday will be sold out like Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
VICE MAYOR MILLER BLOWS GASKET!!! Unhappy with a 4-3 win on cell tower approval, Miller publicly criticized Coady, Koteas and Stavoe for voting against the cell towers.
No wonder there is no civility in Carefree when we have Miller on the council. This guy seriously needs anger management counseling.
At the last council meeting, Councilman Gemmill stated that property values would increase after cell towers are installed. Call Gemmill at Carefree Town Hall to sign up for a tower in front of your home and increase your property value. Hurry before it is too late.
I don’t think we have to worry about medical marijuana dispensaries locating in Cave Creek or Carefree. That will mean those with prescriptions will be growing it which probably makes more sense in a rural area anyway.
Arizonans are now working for themselves instead of Uncle Sam. It’s April, for goodness sake! Obama’s budget madness had better be stopped or we will be working for Uncle Sam all year next year and the year after that, etcetera.
Goldwater Institute’s involvement in the lawsuit against the CCUSD Board is probably long overdue from what I’ve read about them. Why did it take so long? If you look back at some of the stuff they’ve pulled in the last two or three years, it’s a lot like looking at what Obama has done in the last two or three years. SCARY!