• Nancy Pelosi Barto
• CCUSD sued
Buzzards are coming home to roost. The true side of Nancy “Pelosi” Barto is more evident every day. She has received a big block of religious voters by claiming to be adamantly pro life. Maybe she is and maybe she isn’t but she isn’t a person to be believed. But she clearly voted along with eight other so-called Republicans to keep illegal aliens in the state.
The Pelosi middle name was provided by active Tea Party members and it fits. They pledge either recalling Barto or voting her out next election.
In our March 30 issue we printed many of the names and organizations that signed the Arizona Chamber of Commerce letter. In that same issue Greg Farley wrote excellent letters, a letter to the editor and an editorial; it is worthy to save all three and perhaps tape them to your refrigerator, as he suggests.
The 57 who signed the chamber liberal letter should be shunned. How do you shun them? Don’t do business with them. As I look at the list of the deceitful, I see the Arizona Republic. I have already dropped them for a host of reasons. There is Blue Cross/Blue Shield. They gave huge sums to Nancy Pelosi Barto and she came through for them, voting with the Democrats.
Especially you should note Hensley Beverage Company Robert Delgado, President/CEO. That company belongs to John McCain’s wife.
An easy one to avoid since they have substantial competition is PetSmart Phillip Francis, Executive Chairman.
There are many, many more– check them out and trade with decent people who understand the necessity of eliminating illegal aliens.
A study of that list will show you do business with many of them thereby giving them the resources to fund candidates of choice and bad faith letters like the one the chamber sent.
The nine Democrats in Republican clothes are: Nancy Pelosi Barto, Rich Crandall, Adam Driggs (an immigration attorney), Linda Gray, John McComish, John Nelson, Michele Reagan, Steve Pierce and Steve Yarbrough. These people must be defeated next election or before, by recall.
It is my hope the many Tea Partiers will band together and force the misrepresenters out of office and vote in people who keep their word and don’t make a profession out of seeking office and then screwing the public who voted them in.
Be sure and save the March 30 issue and use the contents.
Nancy Pelosi Barto’s folly
We have covered many of Barto’s escapades but her most brazen was to sneak in a bill as a floor amendment which landed CCUSD in court. See it in Superintendent Debbie Burdick’s letter:
April 7, 2011
Dear CCUSD Constituents,
I am disappointed to inform you that at 2:30 on April 5, the District was served a lawsuit from the Goldwater Institute to block what they call a "... misuse of school district bond money." Last year, our AZ Legislature approved a bill that allowed school districts within certain criteria to access unexpended bond monies. Our district fit the criteria and our Governing Board unanimously voted to use 13 million dollars of unexpended bonds to do work and repairs that have been postponed for years on our schools and other facilities. As you may know, a local publication had printed that the Goldwater Institute would be investigating our planned use of the 2000 bond monies. We are currently suspending work on the projects that these bond dollars were to be used for, pending the decision on this lawsuit.
I know that our parents, students and staff were looking forward to having capital projects done starting in the upcoming week. In addition, we had hoped to use local contractors as much as possible to help our CCUSD greater community and economy. We have turned the suit over to our attorneys and look forward to a positive outcome in the future.
Debbi Burdick
Be sure to read in the letters page what parent Kyle Durham thinks, which is not what Burdick thinks he thinks.
Barto managed to sneak the bill in as a floor amendment during the Omnibus bill proceedings. A similar bill had been tried unsuccessfully by ex-Senator “Empty Suit” Jim Waring. I guess Barto is sneakier than Waring and was rewarded handsomely by the teachers union with donations.
In our minds, the bill was unconstitutional and CCUSD had IRS problems that its tax attorneys warned about. Obviously the school board didn’t listen. CCUSD has a five person board and only one, Susan Clancy, is worth retaining. Even she voted for use of this bond money when she was told “the attorneys” blessed it. Those attorneys are still unidentified.
So we asked the Goldwater Institute to take a look; they did, and the lawsuit is the result. Isn’t that what a watchdog is supposed to do? I couldn’t be prouder of Linda Bentley’s investigative work that lead to this result. And thanks to Jayne Friedman for pursuing the lawsuit because she believed the facts. The two board members who appear to be the most culpable are School Board President David Shaeffer and member Mark Warren. These two as district legislative liaison spent time at the legislature. Burdick can say all day long they went there as concerned parents. Maybe they were but they were officially legislative liaison for the district.
Let us not forget that troika includes Burdick who violates every principle by her secrecy. She, Schaeffer and Warren are joined at the hip. One wonders if they join her under the tanning lamp they are so close.
The sad part is taxpayer money has to be spent defending the lawsuit.
The public is fortunate to have the Goldwater Institute. Who else would keep the government straight? They are able and eager to do the right thing and are only limited by funding. Donate to this worthy organization if you can.
By the way it is beyond insulting that the Arizona Republic wrote accusatory articles about their lawsuit in Glendale where it is clear the city is using tax dollars inappropriately. Go get ‘em Goldwater!