Lake Pleasant Regional Park - Public meeting scheduled to discuss northern portion of the lake
How do you RECREATE in the area?
The Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management, Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department, and other resource agencies have joined together to prepare a recreation management plan for the northern portion of Lake Pleasant Regional Park and adjacent Bureau of Land Management land. Map
The public is invited to provide input for consideration in developing this recreation management plan, which will identify, promote, and establish compatible recreation use within the joint planning area while protecting natural and cultural resources, and public safety.
A public meeting will be held May 4, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. to describe work that has been conducted by the Partners and potential components of the recreation management plan that are currently being considered. The Partners will consider these comments as they develop a proposed recreation management plan.
For more information on the project, please visit:
Let your voice be heard on the recreation mgt. plan for the northern portion of Lake Pleasant Regional Park at the upcoming public meeting on:
Wednesday, May 4
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Vistancia Elementary School
30009 North Sunrise Point
Peoria, AZ 85383
Follow-up public meeting on June 22 at same location listed above.
Public comments should be submitted no later than May 18, 2011 to:
Email: [email protected]
Hard copy:
Attn: PXAO-1500/NLP
6150 W. Thunderbird Rd.
Glendale, AZ 85306
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APRIL 13, 2011
It’s a play date: YMCA’s Healthy Kids Day™ aims to get families moving through play

As Arizona’s oldest nonprofit strengthening community through healthy living, the Y holds Healthy Kids Day to teach healthy habits to kids and inspire a lifetime love of physical activity. At a time when one in three children in the United States are overweight or obese (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), developing healthier habits that include increased physical activity is more important than ever.
“At the Desert Foothills Family YMCA we know that parents struggle to find the time to incorporate more active play and healthier habits into their kids’ daily routine,” says Mike Cassidy, Executive Director of the Desert Foothills Family YMCA. “It’s as simple as making a play date with your kids, with two key requirements – be active and have fun!”
As part of Healthy Kids Day, the Y encourages families to make play dates everyday as a simple way to become healthier, more active and connected. The Desert Foothills Family YMCA recommends five simple activities families can do to play together:
1. Schedule a Game Night: Play games with the kids that incorporate physical activity, such as Charades.
2. Dance, Dance: Turn on your favorite party music and dance! Make this activity more fun with a dance contest.
3. Go Riding: Find a new bike path or park for a fun afternoon outdoors; grab your helmets and go rollerblading or bike riding.
4. Channel Your Inner Youth: Remember playing hopscotch, jump rope, Simon Says or freeze tag as a kid? Teach your favorite childhood game to your kid(s) and play them together.
5. Play Outside: Visit your neighborhood park or camp out in your backyard for some outdoor fun. Get everyone moving with fun sports like soccer, basketball or baseball.
Visit to locate your local YMCA branch. For more information, contact Katie Healy at 602-257-5121.