Hoplophobic Heather Carter votes with Democrats
Hoplophobe: A person who is afflicted with an irrational fear of firearms
PHOENIX – On April 5, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Arizona’s law allowing tax credits made to school tuition organizations (STO), which then use the contributions to provide scholarships to students attending private schools, including religious schools.
The U.S. Supreme Court held because the challenge was to a tax credit as opposed to a governmental expenditure, the challengers lacked Article III standing to sue.
The very next day, the Arizona State Legislature transmitted HB 2581 to Governor Jan Brewer.
HB 2581 removes the $10,000 cap on corporate contributions to STOs and increases the tax credit from $500 to $750 for individual filers and from $1,000 to $1,500 for joint filers.
Although HB 2581 made it to the governor’s desk, Rep. Heather Carter, R-Dist. 7 (l), joined Democrats in voting against the bill.
As an Arizona State University employee, Carter opposes school choice.
On April 12, SB 1467, the Arizona Citizens Defense League-requested campus carry bill, which prevents the governing boards of colleges and universities from prohibiting the lawful possession or carrying of a weapon on a public right-of-way, was transmitted to the governor.
Hoplophobic Carter voted with Democrats against that bill as well.
The Urban Dictionary defines hoplophobe as “a person who is afflicted with an irrational fear of firearms.”
Carter explained her vote to a Phoenix daily by stating she’s always been proud of the fact Arizona has some of the most lenient gun laws in the nation, but stated SB 1467 crosses the line.
She was quoted as saying, “The idea of guns on campus is just so morally objectionable to me that I can absolutely not vote yes.”
Actually, the bill doesn’t go far enough for many as it still infringes on the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.
Upon learning Carter voted against SB 1467, John Hoeppner sent an e-mail to Carter. He explained he is a Cave Creek Republican precinct captain and has been a state committeeman for 20 years and said, “I was astonished at both your vote and your comments …”
Hoeppner forwarded an article to Carter titled, “Student robbed at gunpoint on Tempe campus” and asked, “Could you please explain to me how your vote and philosophy will prevent criminals possessing weapons on campus?”
Carter responded, “I don’t believe that my vote, nor will this bill, prevent criminals possessing weapons on campus. Criminals will still possess weapons, with or without this law.
“I just don’t want guns on campus, and this bill will essentially do that on campuses that have public right of ways through campus.”
Hoeppner wrote back thanking her for her prompt response.
“However,” wrote Hoeppner, “your reply to my SB 1467 query regarding your ‘no’ vote defies both logic and common sense.”
He said, “Based on your comments you admit that criminals will possess guns on campus and your ‘no’ vote will do absolutely nothing to stop the bad guys. Then you state your ‘no’ vote will prevent law abiding citizens from protecting themselves.”
Hoeppner continued, “In all honesty Heather – if this is how you truly feel – I believe you are in the wrong political party – this is how a liberal Democrat thinks. I sincerely hope you change your mind regarding the constitutional rights of all law-abiding citizens.”
He forwarded her another article about Amanda Collins, a 25-year-old mother and student who was raped in a university parking garage. Although she possessed a concealed carry permit, she was abiding by university rules by not having a gun in her possession on campus.
As a side note, Hoeppner told Carter he’s a 26-year resident of Cave Creek and was one of the incorporators.
Although Hoeppner has not heard back from Carter, he shared her response with several people who responded to both Hoeppner and Carter.
One wrote to Carter regarding her response to Hoeppner, stating, “You said that this bill will not stop criminals from possessing weapons, agree.
“You then say you don’t want guns on campus.
“The only conclusion a rational person would come to is that you do not want people on campus to be able to protect themselves from criminals.”
He recommended Carter “rethink” and said, “Your logic completely escapes me.”