MARCH 30, 2011
Celebration of Life of Rick Brumbaugh
Outdoor BBQ at 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 3 Petite Acres (Behind Hideaway)

Rick Brumbaugh
Rick was diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer last week and died nine days later on March 29, 2011. He was a long time resident of Cave Creek and lived in Petite Acres behind the Hideaway.
We can learn so much from someone like Rick Brunbaugh … he was grateful for all of the little things and was happy all of the time, even in the midst of his pain. He always wanted to take care of everyone else and brought out the best in people. He loved life and was appreciative for all those around him. He never complained even once in the hospital – he was simply happy to have a window and his favorite pictures around him in his room.
His lesson is a good one, and his appreciation for the simple pleasures in life, the scent of flowers, the cool breeze, a full moon and loved ones all around was all he needed. He lived very simply, did not have much money or stuff … but he was happier than most. He lived life to the fullest. Rick will be remembered and cherished by many.
Come celebrate his life with us.