FEBRUARY 23, 2011
Your View
I realize most recipients of Hitchon’s incessant e-mails are of like minds, meaning narrow, mean spirited, and dim witted. Unfortunately there is no flu shot to combat this insidious Carefree virus. During the last election cycle spineless, low-life, unidentified maggots accused Stavoe of family issues that were totally false. This time around the behemoth of BS has initiated non-stop attacks on Stavoe.
There are rumors out there that Donald Trump plans to throw his rug into the presidential ring.
Recent statements by the Wonder (not) Woman of Carefree about the Water Company are all wet. She claimed that “The Utility District and the Water Company are the same entity” – they are not. By law, a town is not permitted to directly own a company. The Utility District, a separate legal entity, was created to purchase the Water Company and to secure bond financing for that purchase. When the Water Company defaults on its debt, the town of Carefree will be liable. She is on a fool’s errand.
Dear Senator Kyl: So you have decided not to run for reelection in 2012. Good riddance! Now take the other RINO, McCain, with you.
The Carefree council candidates are an interesting lot. Ignoring the incumbent ex-fireman, there are 5 new candidates and 1 repeat. Peirce was a write-in in 2009, and is the sponsor of two propositions intended to protect Carefree taxpayers. Of the remaining 5 only Farrar and Saltzman have potential merit. Gimson is a shill for Hitchon; enough said.
This has, unfortunately, become the Carefree bitch column because Carefree people don’t feel like they can speak out for fear of being ostracized or worse.
I hope Carefree Vice Mayor Miller shares all the great "town marketing" tips he got from his five GOB political pals at the secret water company meeting. That bunch never had even the slightest interest in supporting local businesses, let alone have marketing ideas.
Carefree Mayor Schwan has shown his political colors. He supported four-year council terms but opposed direct election of the mayor. He lost on both of those issues. Now he opposes Prop. 421 (term limits), Prop. 422 (2/3 council vote for a property tax) and Prop. 423 (public vote to have a property tax or raise the rate). Voters now know where he is coming from and he is going to lose on those three initiatives also.
Hitchon has borrowed a page from former Greg Gardner's playbook. He supplied the council with a long list of supporters. Strangely, many of the names were those of the deceased.
I was exposed to Carefree Mayor Schwan's personality for an hour at a recent political event. I think I now know why only one of six incumbent town councilmen is running for reelection.
Carefree's mayor keeps pontificating that unnamed attorneys tell him unidentified Arizona state law requires a public vote to approve a property tax. I wish the mayor would let us all know what statute applies or at least reveal the name of a lawyer who is giving him incorrect information.
The mayor of Carefree says he is OK with cracked town roads. Instead he wants to construct a new Town Hall edifice. Message to the mayor: no thanks; I want my crumbling street resurfaced.
The mayor of Carefree opposes Props. 421, 422, and 423 on the current town ballot. Yet he says he will accept them if they pass. I submit that shows the generosity of his Royalness toward his subjects. I am sure he keeps Noblesse Oblige in mind.
Hitchon has always been the mouthpiece for Schwan and the GOBs. But I am sure they were as surprised as I was that she now has the ability to contact the dead. Did she hold a seance with Holly Bergman's deceased mother?
I propose an Official Town Flag for Carefree. It would be paid for by town cash but designed without any public input and displayed only at secret meetings of top town politicians. Indeed the very existence of the flag could only be known to an elite few such as true GOB loyalists. The public would be repeatedly told it doesn't exist so insiders could feel superior to common folk.
Just who is running Carefree? It would appear that special interest groups that include the merchants, Kiwanis and Rural Metro are now in charge. David Schwan does not have the backbone to oppose any of these organizations.
Hitchon's attack piece on Mr. Stavoe is a "Tale from the Crypt." She posted a fraudulent letter from a dead woman. Does she now speak for ghosts? Maybe she should let the dead lie in peace.
Carefree's goofy mayor must be very concerned about being voted out of office. In 2009 he came in last in the primary. His buddies named him mayor and town CEO so he didn't need to spend a dime. In the current election he first spent town funds for a glowing "State of Our Town" message curiously timed with the election rather than the fiscal year. Next he mailed out a cheesy stapled flyer followed by a slick 3-color card urging his election. In addition there are the keepsake "Vote Mayor Schwan" bumper stickers available from the Carefree Prosperity PAC. All this must have cost a bundle. The only thing missing so far is an airplane towing a sign over town center.