One terrific “Senior Night!”

By Pete Mohr | February 10, 2010

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cshs senior night
Courtesy Photo
There are two “storylines” from last Friday’s Basketball “Senior Night.” First, and of more immediate importance, are the seven seniors’ contributions to the exciting 70-59 win over the Apache Junction Prospectors, lifting the ‘Birds into a State Playoffs-qualifying #13 ranking in A.I.A. Power points. Second, is the loudest, most enthusiastic packed house since the Falcons upset the Apollo Hawks in February ’05! Right-on, students! Keep that Falcon Pride building! (l-r, with parents behind each senior) Ben Leech (Beth and Brad Leech), Quad-Capt. Austin Kelchner (Lori and Darren Kelchner), Quad-Capt. Andrew Stauth (Daljit and John Smalley; Brent Stauth); Quad-Capt. Kyle Gunter (Emelie and Tom Gunter); Quad-Capt. P.J. Ubides (Juvy and Andrew Sylvester); Ryan Toomey (Lori and Dave Toomey); and Ryan Robinson (Elena Robinson and Rob Robinson). Congratulations, proud parents! Go get ‘em, Guys! Beat Notre Dame (Feb.10), then start a brand new season!

Meet the Basketball Falcon seniors … Ryan Toomey

By Pete Mohr | February 10, 2010

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Ryan ToomeyIf I were to coach a basketball tip, I’d want a “Ryan Toomey” on my high school squad.

You see, when this modest, soft-spoken National Honor Society member talked to me about the excitement of “Senior Night” (…“the packed gym … it was awesome!”), he neglected to mention the ten points he scored in the critical “make-the-Playoffs” win over Apache Junction, including two back-to-back jumpers that put the Falcons up by six at the end of three quarters. For Ryan Toomey, a determined defender/rebounder, it’s all about the team.

Born in Scottsdale, Ryan is the oldest of Creekers Dave and Lori Toomey’s three children. David is a CSHS sophomore and Nicole, a 7th grader at STMS. Ryan began playing DFAC basketball when he was a Desert Willow 2nd grader. At CSHS, he’s logged four basketball seasons, a Varsity member for the last two.

What has being a Basketball Falcon meant to him? “All of my best friends have come from basketball,” he volunteers. Best memories? Summer basketball camps and trips (“tons of fun”) before his junior season – and now, last Friday’s “Senior Night” (“proud that I could contribute”). Ryan’s also a Track Falcon, running the 400m and 4x400m relay.

He’s won an academic scholarship to the U of A, where he’ll study to become a pharmacist, following in the tradition of his great-grandfather, grandfather (both deceased) and Uncle Pete Toomey, who lives in Oregon.

And how does Ryan see this roller coaster season ending? “Bring on Notre Dame! Bring on the Playoffs!” he enthuses. “In the Playoffs, anything can happen!”

For Ryan Toomey, “anything” means “good things,” which he’s confidently prepared and ready to achieve in his adult life.

I’d “bet the house” on ‘im!

Five Wrestlers to State

By Pete Mohr | February 10, 2010

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Senior Zack Sexton (160 lb. class) and junior Ben Barr (135 lb. class), both Desert Sky Region champions, head a five-wrestler contingent into Thursday-Friday , Feb. 11-12, State Championships at Tim’s Toyota Center, Prescott Valley, Ariz. (front, l-r) junior Dillon Flickinger (145 lbs.), sophomore Gunnar Collier (189 lbs.), sophomore Tino Morales (130 lbs.); (standing) Barr (l), Sexton. Good luck, Guys!