February 10, 2010
On Saturday, March 27, up to 400 parents will converge at ASU College of Law to get tips on parenting gifted and high potential children. There will also be opportunities to network, pick up information on gifted programs around the state and beyond, supplemental or summer programs for gifted children, and other resource information. All information about the event and online registration can be found at www.aagtparentday.com.
If you have not attended this event in the last few years, don't miss it. If you have, you already know how great it is, so spread the word and reserve your seat!
Due to the continued volunteer efforts of AAGT Affiliate chapters and the generosity of the ASU College of Law, we are able to keep the registration to $25 per person again this year.
Note that children/teen programming for the day is being offered nearby by Motivating Tomorrows' Minds. For information and registration, go to www.motivatingminds.org.