Town Council Election Coverage
Position statements from 22 candidates
In order to provide you with an introduction to all of the candidates for town council before you question them in person at Sonoran News’ Council Candidate Forums, we have devoted space for council candidates from both Cave Creek and Carefree to express and explain their positions on important issues this week.
Debbi Burdick appointed CCUSD’s new superintendent
By Linda Bentley | February 4, 2009
District receives training, fulfills campaign violation consent agreement
CCUSD – During the Jan. 27 governing board meeting, Maricopa County Campaign Finance Director Kristi Passarelli provided the board with handouts that both detailed and summarized information explaining the conduct school districts are prohibited from engaging in during elections.
Carefree working on green building policies and procedures
By Curtis Riggs | February 4, 2009
Incentives will encourage use
CAREFREE – Planning and zoning officials hope to have green building incentives in place for builders and architects by 2011.
The Carefree Planning and Zoning Commission held its second meeting about the implementation of green building policies on Jan. 26. P&Z Commissioners asked for more public involvement early in the implementation of the new rules, which will provide incentives for energy efficiency such as solar power and the use of recycled “gray” water.
Scottsdale CPA accused of operating $75 million Ponzi scheme
By Linda Bentley | February 4, 2009
Arizona State Board of Accountancy revokes certification
SCOTTSDALE – The wheels of justice are at a standstill for victims of what appears to be a multi-million-dollar Ponzi scheme run by Dan Wise, a former Scottsdale CPA.
On Dec. 5, 2008 Wise, a Desert Mountain resident with homes in Flagstaff and New York City, signed a consent agreement with the Arizona State Board of Accountancy (ASBA), which ordered his Certified Public Account Certificate revoked.
Beautiful Black Mountain
It’s that time of year to take the best possible picture of Black Mountain. Last year, Jason Corneveaux won the People’s Choice Award in the Black Mountain Photo Contest with this shot he took off of Stagecoach Pass in Carefree. The photo contest, co-sponsored by the Black Mountain Conservancy and Sonoran News, will be held from Feb. 14 to March 15 this year. The contest calls attention to the need to save as much of Black Mountain from development as possible. For contest information visit the website www.BlackMountain and select News/Photos, then Photo Contest. Applications will be available at local CVS Pharmacies and both Cave Creek and Carefree Town Halls.
Coady’s direct election of mayor initiative makes ballot
By Curtis Riggs | February 4, 2009
Carefree voters to decide May 19
CAREFREE – Town Councilman Bob Coady was notified on Tuesday his initiative calling for direct election of the mayor will be on the May 19 general election ballot.
Carefree Town Clerk Betsy Wise informed the five-term councilman his initiative “had at least 105 percent of the minimum of the required signatures” after Maricopa County Election officials did a sampling of the 31 signature pages submitted, which contained the signatures of 399 registered Carefree voters. Only one signature of the 20 signature random sample was ruled invalid.
One for the other thumb
Pittsburgh Steelers fans at Harold’s Cave Creek Corral were jubilant on Super Bowl Sunday after their beloved Steelers downed the hometown Arizona Cardinals, 27-23. Harold’s hosted a crowd of 4,000 football fanatics on Sunday with a huge majority of the fans sporting the Steelers’ black and gold. Harold’s Danny Piacquadio is now calling the
Steelers “the best franchise in sports history” after the boys from the Steel City won their sixth world title.
Courtesy Photo/Ida Covi
When space exceeds occupancy limitations
Last Wednesday at around 12:30 p.m., the Hyundai Elantra, while exiting the Circle K parking lot at 6810 E. Cave Creek Road, collided with this Chevy Silverado pickup truck, causing damage to the front left fender of the Hyundai and the left rear quarter panel of the pickup, as pointed out by the driver to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s deputy. When asked what happened, the deputy responded, “Two vehicles were trying to occupy the same space at the same time.”
Photo by Linda Bentley