Debbi Burdick appointed CCUSD’s new superintendent
By Linda Bentley | January 28, 2009
District receives training, fulfills campaign violation consent agreement
CCUSD – During the Jan. 27 governing board meeting, Maricopa County Campaign Finance Director Kristi Passarelli provided the board with handouts that both detailed and summarized information explaining the conduct school districts are prohibited from engaging in during elections.
Passarelli emphasized no signs may be placed anywhere on campus, including vehicles, to influence the outcome of an election and explained no school property, personnel, students or the district’s website may be used for the purpose of influencing the outcome of an election.
The few minutes Passarelli spent with the board and acting superintendent, along with the handouts, was considered fulfillment of the training requirements per the consent agreement Cave Creek Unified School District entered into with the Maricopa County Attorney, relating to campaign violations during the November 2006 elections.
Following a large outpouring from the public, encouraging the board to cancel its search and appoint Debbi Burdick, currently the district’s acting superintendent, as the district’s new superintendent, the board voted unanimously to do just that, bringing the audience to its feet with applause.
They approved her appointment with a stipulation that her contract would be approved at a later time.
Apparently Kiwanis of Carefree weighed in on the matter as Burdick promptly thanked them afterward for their support during her campaign to become appointed the district’s new superintendent.