Goodbye 2023

Don Senneville and Jim White

December is to coffee like a sweater is to a fireplace. All are necessary for that cozy winter feeling that has descended on our local Coffee Row. Fireplaces abound at Local Jonny’s, also in the lobby of the Seed Cafe, and of course outdoors under the Carefree Sundial – all glow with the warmth of desert winter. Sometimes it goes below 50 degrees! Remember last summer? We don’t either. Therefore, coffee becomes a survival tool for our “wicked” winters.

As our temperatures drop, the frequency of caffeine seekers increases. So we are betting that of the 35,711 Starbucks on the planet Earth, most are in cool climates, and the rest precipitated the invention of “iced coffee drinks”. Yuck. “We’ve been fooled again”(The Who). Cactus Jack drinks coffee black.
Our Cave Creek/Carefree Coffee Row has such a variety of ambience or vibes.

We have “coffee-ied” from one end of town to the other several times over the past year on behalf of The CUP. From Local Jonny’s homey hip vibe, to the tiny monk booths at Janey’s, across to the enchanting Grotto, these wondrous spots are in such contrast to our experiences with European coffee shops. Put a euro on the counter, receive a hefty shot of espresso, chug it, slam it down and go catch the trolly. Efficient, but not much time to discuss anything or plan, like the Boston Tea Party guys did! We are so glad to be Americans. Long Live Coffee Americano (with extra half ‘n’ half)!

Think of all that we have written about this year. Looking back over 2023, we have been rewarded by our readers who now welcome us as we report on the state of coffee in our towns.

The CUP has been to the Carefree Roastery, Bashas Starbucks, the Black Mountain Coffee Shop, Big Earls, Local Jonny’s, Janey’s, Raven’s Nest, the Grotto, the Wagon Wheel, Black Lion Cafe, Brunch, Heart and Soul Cafe, Rocky Point, Sedona, Santa Fe, and finally to the Seed. The Village Coffee Shop and Creperie has become our base camp, primarily because of their lemon bars, friendly baristas, and Audrey Hepburn portraits. We see many of the same “Creekers and Carefreers” in our local coffee shops on a regular basis; same time, same spot, same coffee.

We will report more about their behavior. We are also keeping an eye on the Tea Room in Carefree. History has shown us that coffee shops have been the seedbed for civil discussion and the exchange of creative ideas. 2024 promises to see an even greater need for the clarity of caffeine and conversation.

We will remain vigilant.