Once again, those who seek to control the narrative within the community are at it. This time they have wrongfully accused me of trying to silence the public. This intentionally misleading statement is the furthest from the truth.
The fact is, as with all Carefree public meetings, the Town Council has and continues to accept public dialog at all public meetings. Don’t believe me, just watch the Town Council meeting videos: www.carefree.org/boards-and-commissions
As displayed in these public videos, I have always listened to and never interrupted anyone wishing to speak at these meetings.
Recently at our July Council meeting, I was interrupted and threatened by a member of our community. My more recent comments addressed this uncivil, interruptive behavior NOT as the false narrative will have you believe, silence the public. That statement is simply not true.
My commitment to public input is engrained in my representation. As I spoke to residents in the fall of 2022 regarding the provision of fire and emergency services, I invited them to 5 public open houses. I find it ironic that the false narrative which now accuses me of silencing the public refused to share the same information about these past public participation opportunities. Why? Because it did not serve their false agenda.
As your council member and Vice Mayor, as I have shown by all my actions at all Council meetings and in my commitment to public involvement in the community including issues such as fire and emergency services that I believe public participation is critical. It is time for the gaslighting from this negative faction to end and and for us all to work on solutions together.
Cheryl Kroyer
Council Member and Vice Mayor
Town of Carefree