Carefree response

In response to Mike Davitt’s comments regarding the Carefree Town Council meeting of January 3rd,  your comments lack specifics. The  presentation by Steve Prokopek was lengthy and detailed as to what’s been openly available for several months. 

In response the council members asked specific and concise questions of both Steve and the contractor working on the plan under Steve. 

To Mr. Davitt I would say what’s embarrassing is the ongoing and constant verbal assaults that you’ve aimed at the Carefree council regardless of who they are. These members absolutely do appreciate different perspectives and are extremely responsive to those of us that reach out to them with a simple AND civil email stating your concerns as I have experienced. 

In each instance I’ve received a timely response from all including Mayor Crane. That seems more productive than a letter to the editor intent on trashing the volunteer council members. There are many opportunities for citizen involvement within Carefree that could use our participation. 

My understanding is the redevelopment plan is required by state law and is just one avenue for citizen involvement. Like it or not we will have a plan. 

In closing I would suggest all Carefree residents attend a council meeting and witness first hand the openness of the council members and if you want to address the council there’s a simple procedure to do so at every meeting. 
I may not always agree with them but I do appreciate these volunteers stepping up to perform the thankless task of leading Carefree and feel strongly we are fortunate to have this leadership in our community. 
Mike Davitt, your message has really gotten old. 

Jim Northcutt 