Cactus Shadows Cheer Team giving back over the summer

Cactus Shadows Cheer was busy over the summer with more than just training! The Falcons spent every week at UMOM’s New Day Center. Each week the Falcons were involved in reading nights, feeding shelters and closet donations.

In addition to their weekly service, the Falcons donated and created WELLcome Bags that included bathing necessities, pajamas, notebooks and coloring pencils. These bags were brought to Africa and will be given to children in need.

The Falcons also included handwritten letters and photos to make a personal connection with the children.

Cactus Shadows Athletic Director, Tandehl Collentine said, “”I am very proud of the Cactus Shadows Cheer team and all of the time they spent over the summer volunteering to help those in need. I look forward to all of our athletic programs following in these footsteps and reaching out to the community to offer their support.”

Back in July of 2012, Superintendent Debbi Burdick instituted the Superintendent’s Challenge to Cactus Shadows High School Students.  The students were challenged to earn 50 hours or more of community service per year.  Students who meet the challenge of 200 hours by their senior year receive an honor cord to wear at  graduation.

In July, 2013, the Superintendent’s Challenge was opened up to students at Sonoran Trails Middle School.  Seventh and eighth grade students were challenged to earn 25 hours of community service per year.  Seventh graders receive a pin at their award ceremony and eighth graders receive a medallion at their promotion.

In July 2014, the Superintendent’s Challenge was opened up to elementary students in grades 5 and 6.  These students were challenged to accumulate 15 hours in one school year.  The students receive a certificate of completion at their award ceremonies at the end of the year.

Superintendent Burdick said, “I am extremely proud of the young women on CSHS Cheer as they give back to the community in such a supportive and caring way.”