
As a young teen I watched Nixon and Kennedy in the first televised Presidential debate. Issues, policy and platforms were the center-piece of the discussion. Nixon sweated and lost, but the candidates remained on point. The last two nights of Dem debates have been laughable by comparison. Visions of Artie Johnson getting smacked by Ruth Buzzi kept jumping into my mind wishing someone would smack some of these participants.  Pocahontas looked diminished towered over by taller candidates was gleefully calling for the end of our health care system, Beto flapping his arms like a duck, Bernie slobbering his socialist agenda while Joe appeared bitch-slapped and the little mayor tried desperately to justify his failures. The best that could be said of any of them is they were masters of one-upmanship, I’ll give you a free education, I’ll open the borders, Donald Trump is the devil and I hate him more than you do. If this bunch is the best the Democrats have to offer, they are indeed desperate. My mind wanders back to the park bench on the Laugh-in set. Too bad these debates weren’t as much fun as the 2016 Republican debates, or Laugh-in for that matter.

Randy Edwards