Stargazer: June 12 –18, 2019


For All Signs:   Mars represents the warrior within us and Saturn symbolizes the Inner Teacher.  A common association is that Mars, as accelerator, is being held by the brakes of Saturn. This is a time to evaluate the results of new starts generated during the late spring of 2018, hesitating, and making corrections or needed changes now.  The spirit is meant to help us make improvements and fine tune previous work. The potential trap is one of nagging and nit-picking. Use it for evaluation and avoid falling into a snare of criticism.  Mars opposite Saturn is a time in which accidents are more likely with vehicles and other machinery.  Drive and handle tools carefully.

Aries:  A difficult situation that began in the spring or 2018 concerning property and/or family arrives at a significant turning point during this period.  You have poured heart and soul into it for many months, but this time you know you must step aside for the sake of sanity and other life requirements, such as career and personal life goals.  You are not a bad person.  You simply need a break from responsibilities.

Taurus: Intensity in relationships is the theme of the week.  If you are not conscious, you could be pulled into schemes of manipulation or compulsive behaviors.  Existing relationships could re-experience the pain of old wounds.  You have a choice of whether to work it through or act it out in the same ways as the first time.  If things feel “icky”, someone is manipulating.

Gemini the Twins: (May 20 — June 21) An intense experience within a relationship has a purpose.  You are asked to search deep inside yourself for your contribution to the difficulty, own it, and confess it.  Healing will be the result for you and probably the Other.  It is a good time to adjust issues of power.

Cancer: It may be difficult to find common ground with partners, authorities, or significant others in your life.  You have a desire to express yourself and the “other” seems to be recalcitrant.  Don’t turn this into a power play or a long-term resentment.  That will not be good for your health.  Tone down your anger a notch or two and say your piece.  Then let it go.

Leo: You have enough energy to spare.  Apply heavy muscle to exercise or a chore that needs to be done.  Otherwise you may become snappy and are liable to pick a fight.  Work with those who share your rhythm this week, or you may say things that you’ll wish you had not.  We each have our own drumbeat and yours is as important as that of others.

Virgo:  The more you attempt to hurry, the more rocks in your path.  You might just as well take your time and allow things to develop as they will.  Rushing along will not get you there any faster. If a traffic jam gets in your way, try to take it in stride.  These things happen with regularity.  The cosmos is not pointing at you.

Libra:  A legal issue or a paperwork snafu may surface and waste a lot of time and energy.  Authorities are recalcitrant and demanding.  Do not attempt to confront challenging people during this period.  Even though you are reasonable, it is likely the opposing forces will not match your attitude.

Scorpio:  A challenging situation that began in the spring of 2018 comes to a head at this time.  The issue seems to be related to the law, travel, your vehicle, education, siblings and roommates.  It is possible that the original problem went underground and is now returning in the form of resentment.  Make an effort to negotiate until you reach a win-win resolution.

Sagittarius: Forward motion may be hard to accomplish this week.  It seems as though there is a blockade in all directions.  Do what you can and take a few naps while you wait for the dust to settle.  Your unconscious mind is preventing you from taking action prematurely.

Capricorn: You may experience some physical discomfort due to environmental stressors at home or work.  Those who suffer allergies need to use special caution in avoidance this week.  Your physical cycle is on a mild dip.  Rest plenty and take your vitamins.  You may need to take a temporary break in your workout regimen.

Aquarius: You may be taking a sober look at one or more relationships.  Even the very closest friends cannot know each other from the inside.  Sometimes we forget this fact and need to become aware that we are actually separate beings, helping when we can.  Sometimes our energy is too low to be there for one another.

Pisces: Beware of any offer that looks “too good to be true”.  Yes, it is.  Don’t bite, lest you lose.  Love, romance, and relationship(s) to children are favorable. Social and business relationship activities are rewarding.  Concentrate on remaining centered and grounded.  This will lead to solid decisions.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope?  Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments .  Website:  http//