Carefree stir over Memorial Day

Sonoran News,

At Carefree’s April 24th budget hearing, Gary Neiss, our Town Administrator referenced me as a rogue councilman for organizing the town’s first Memorial Day event. I was flabbergasted to say the least; I guess no good deed goes unpunished. I had begun the process of organizing our first town sponsored Memorial Day Tribute since December 2017 and have been asking our town marketing director, Gina Kaegi, for a marketing plan to budget the Memorial Day Tribute event for months but received no response. Thus, I had no other option than to speak to this matter at our April 3rd town council meeting because I had zero budget authorized up to that point. That was true.

In addition, Gary Neiss, our town administrator wrote in an email to me the following statement on March 28th, “Wreaths are typically placed in context of cemeteries.  With limited resources, we prefer to use displays for multiple purposes. The flags serve as recognition outside of cemeteries and we can use them for multiple events. Therefore, the Town will invest in flags. If you prefer wreaths, please work with the outside agencies or entities to see if they have or can donate them.”

Moreover, Carefree’s Mayor Peterson told me, in front of Vice Mayor John Crane, directly before the April 3rd council meeting began that he would not authorize my request for the $1,000 for the five service branch wreaths for our Memorial Day wreath ceremony and, further stated he would oppose me at every turn.

Thus, I had to speak. Thankfully, after I spoke, a sympathetic member of the audience approached me with a generous offer to donate the $1,000 for the wreaths. Our community and our Veterans deserve such a wreath ceremony, and not substituted with flags to save a little money. Moreover, growing up on military bases throughout the country, I have never seen a Memorial Day event using flags instead of wreaths.

The wreaths I requested are synthetic and will last over 10 years, designed to be used at every future Memorial Day event. That equates to a yearly expense for the wreaths of only $100. Understand, I was looking for no more funding then what the town expenses for our Veterans Day event.

Again it was only after I complained as a citizen at the last council meeting on April 3rd did I receive an outline of the town’s marketing plan/budget for Town’s Memorial Day event. Finally, on April 6th, Gina Kaegi sent me the marketing plan/budget three days after my comments wherein she stated, “I’ll have (3) vinyl 3’ x 4’ banners made once the file is sent over. One for Pima, one for T. Darlington gateway and one at the elevation sign.  Sonoran News will run an ad in May and also the press release – AZ Images will run early in the month and it’s listed on our general ad as an event. So far the expenditures for the event are running over $3,000.” However, at the Budget hearing on April 24th, Les Peterson stated the marketing expense for the Memorial Day event was only $2,095. So I am still unsure what the expense budget is actually.

Surprisingly today, I just received an email from Les Peterson stating, “Mike, I would like to provide introductory remarks for the Memorial Day event.” However, I have organized this event on my own, spending many hours, and was looking forward to making the introductory remarks myself, just as the Vice Mayor Crane does with his Veteran’s Day event. Ironic that Peterson wishes to take the credit again for something he has fought against behind the scenes.

Sadly, it is antics like this, which is one of the many reasons why I was asked by many community leaders to run for Mayor of Carefree. I have had the great opportunity and privilege to serve as a Carefree Council member for the past seven years. Anyone that knows me knows I am a friendly person, approachable by all, that is zealously passionate about our wonderful town and protecting its charm and conservative resources. In so doing, I have helped direct numerous decisions that have proven to be beneficial and financially responsible to our community. I wish Carefree to remain Carefree and bring civility and unity back to our town council, citizens and businesses and stop the personal attacks and antics that hurt us all.


Michael Farrar