Our two hypocritical Senators make fools of themselves

Where was Senators Jeff Flake and John McCain while Barack Obama called out the media and some by their names during this 8 years?  He personalized his insults to Sean Hannity.  He called Fox News fake news and also Faux News and ripped on them consistently.  Obama’s administration spied on and hacked reporters like Sharyl Atkisson, James Rosen and the Associated Press.   Where was Jeff Flake?  SILENT.  Where was John McCain on this?  SILENT.

Senator Flake said calling out the media is corrosive to a democracy.  Is it not also corrosive to a democracy when the media are biased and when the lie and deceive and distort facts and fail to report real news that does not agree with their own personal politics?

Barack Obama used the media to his advantage to lie to the American people and our two Senators sat on their hands and did NOTHING.

Pathetic hypocrites, both  of them!

Steve C.