According To PVT South

Dearly Beloved-America is supposed to be (the land of the free and home of the brave) but Dumb dumb’s jumping up and down on top of police cars in Saint Louis is not the image most Americans want to see. Whatever happened to law and order along with common sense? Don’t hold your breath. The Democratic establishment was full speed ahead very early on because Queen Hillary was going to win, and the nightmare on election night still hasn’t sunk in to many of the faithful. (especially younger women) Obama and Hillary has turned America into an ordinary country where chaos and confusion is the norm. (and many don’t care)

At the Emmy Awards Hollywood spent more time bashing Trump in an assortment of skits (not funny) instead of concentrating on the arts. (for three hours) Hollywood was great when it had Ronald Reagan, Bob Hope, John Wayne, Charlton Heston, Don Rickles and Phyllis Diller. Now they have Jerry Brown, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Watters and Pee Wee Herman. The Democrats keep talking about taking back Congress in 2018–Really?–The Dumb Dumb’s will lose more seats and someone else will have to tell them why because they will not understand.

President Trump went to the United Nations and gave a great speech, while some didn’t like it one bit. (How about that) He mentioned North Korea, in the past it was the Pot Bellied dude with the funny haircut, but now Dough Belly will always be referred to as “Rocket Man”. Also, Iran and Venezuela must pay more attention to the welfare of their citizens. (don’t hold your breath on that one)

The Democratic establishment is still promoting the problems with (White Supremacy), give me another break. Those mentally challenged Dumb Dumb’s know nothing about history. The Founding Fathers to World War 2 was all about white supremacy. That’s how we won, but minorities want to change America so We The People will just be another ordinary nation, like the rest of the world. So how would you keep your powder dry then?

PVT South