According to PVT South

Dearly Beloved, August is over and the Wizard of Smarts (mostly Democrats) keep telling us Hillary is way out in front. Early on when the New York Times had real credibility, its top journalist William Safire stated in his syndicated column (Hillary Clinton is a congenital liar), check it out. The Queen has a history of lying, but because she is a Democrat she is protected. Currently the Democratic Party would like to control America the way they control California and if the Queen survives it will be everything Hollywood.

Looking back Obama created the Tea Party and the Republican Party created Trump. Dearly Beloved, that’s why the establishment hates Trump and the Bush family stayed home because Jeb was supposed to be number 45 and they can’t stand it. We The People should be paying more attention to China, Russia and North Korea instead of climate change, transgender bathrooms and too many white guys running Main Street and Wall Street.

Bernie Sanders was a big surprise running against Hillary as a Socialist and was a big hit with the young voters because they have no clue about good government. (Good government should not be a giveaway program where everyone makes 15 dollars an hour.)

Time to get a grip; the Democratic Party has become (the gargoyle of politics). OK, way back in ancient time when everyone was stupid, religion created gargoyles to scare the people for better control (including their purse strings). Just look at the political cartoons in most major newspapers today (same thing).

Wiki leaks is threatening a document dump in October that will hurt Hillary (color me confused). Russia will fare much better militarily if Hillary is Commander in Chief and everything female just like the State Department. (And we are supposed to be a number 1 world power)? How can We The People even keep our powder dry?

PVT South
