JULY 14, 2010
Terry Anderson – A Man’s Man
A tribute by Greg Farley
An absolute icon of the anti-illegal immigration community, Terry Anderson passed away this week. Terry was the host of the Terry Anderson Show, broadcast on Sunday nights from Los Angeles (KRLA) for over ten years. Here is a man who deserved every bit of the title "patriot."
In the 1990s, Terry became enraged after realizing his fellow black Americans were losing their jobs to illegal aliens pouring into California like a plague. On his one-hour weekly radio show, he was known for "articulating the popular rage" against illegal immigration. He continually tried to appeal to many black people who, unbelievably, sided with illegal immigrants because they were "minorities." Although his theme was "rage," Terry was nothing more than a gentleman, and extremely soft-spoken except for his weekly monologue which opened his show. He NEVER went over the top.
Anderson carried on his radio campaign, broadcast over several stations across the country, and made tireless personal appearances at rallies while shunning great risk to his personal safety. A lot of the funding for his radio show came out of his own pocket. He was also probably one of the funniest people on the planet.
I had the honor of meeting Terry in 2004 at a Protect Arizona Now rally in Phoenix, along with other patriots Russell Pierce and Tom Tancredo of Colorado. This man had spirit that could not be equaled, and after his speech the audience was on their feet cheering at the top of their lungs.
My favorite "Terryism" was when he told of a friend who challenged him about how many illegal immigrants were from Mexico. His friend maintained that illegal aliens from Canada and elsewhere were about equal in numbers to those from Mexico. So Terry offered his friend a counter-challenge in the form of a bet. He asked his friend to accompany him to Los Angeles public schools for an early morning visit. Terry said, "for every non-Mexican illegal immigrant we find, I'll pay you $1, and for every illegal we find from Mexico, you pay me a dime. You'll be bankrupt by 10 a.m."
America has lost a man who wasn't afraid to speak out about the invasion from Mexico, and he was doing it long before most of America had even woke up to the problem. His work will never be forgotten.
God bless Terry Anderson. Rest in peace.