John Crane for Carefree Mayor

A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. When I think of servant leadership, I think of Town Council member John Crane.

Since 2003, I’ve raised my family in the beautiful town of Carefree and have had the rare opportunity of working directly with Vice Mayor, John Crane from 2014-2018 when I held the position of Director of Marketing and Communications. I observed and worked with many town council members over the years, and John Crane is one that positively stands out who genuinely takes a servant leadership approach to every resident he meets and every task he takes on. He whole heartedly is visible, helpful, committed, qualified, hands-on and “present”. His unwavering dedication to our town (unpaid I might add) is PROVEN. He doesn’t hide behind email and negative, poorly written untruths. That’s what I admire about John Crane. Even if one disagrees he always makes time to pick-up the phone or meet face-to-face with residents to work through it.

As a Veteran himself, John has led the Town’s Veteran’s and Memorial Day Celebrations of which he proudly curates every detail. He’s also facilitated the massive effort to perpetually honor local veterans by developing the Veterans Memorial located in the Carefree Gardens as well as a continued active role in the popular Carefree Desert Garden Seminars. This is just the tip of the iceberg of his local involvement.

John is one of the most positive people you’ll ever come across and he seeks to see people through a positive lens and looks at the bright side of the situation. He has a way of discovering a common ground in every resident he meets and every local business he supports. We know in politics, there are always people who don’t agree, but he will be the first to agree to disagree without striking back with a negative tone. I admire John’s humble, respectful approach to community service. He doesn’t seek admiration and kudos, but does seek results. He focuses on all stakeholders and ensures that all sides are heard and considered. He’s a listener and has a deep sense of empathy before he makes a decision.

If you haven’t met John, I highly encourage you to share a cup of coffee or volunteer for a town event and experience working alongside him. Without hesitation he has my vote. John’s genuinely a good man, with a good heart and a sound mind to lead Carefree into its next phase of smart, appropriate balanced growth and preservation of Carefree’s natural beauty. Keep it Carefree!

Vote Smart. Vote John Crane for our next Carefree Mayor!

Gina Kaegi