United or divided?

Joe Biden says he wants to bring the country together and yet everything he does divides it farther. Divide and conquer, a long time military tactic, that is the so called democrats goal. It is impossible to install their socialists ideals on America in any other way. We as a nation by now should know it is not what the democrats say that means anything it is what they do that means everything. The two may be totally opposites and many times are.

Everyone knows there was an extreme amount of fraud in the presidential election of 2020. That is obvious. Perhaps in the millions of illegitimate ballots. That fact cannot be changed by denial. It is difficult to prove because it is a secret ballot election. A multitude of laws were broken and millions of fraudulent votes were counted as legitimate even through they were most certainly illegitimate! The so called democrats who are now openly in essence communists are out to fundamentally transform America as was once promised by another democrat. Who doesn’t remember that?

There is a dilemma here, in America, that may take a violent confrontation to resolve. We should all hope and pray to God such action never happens again in America however, America must never surrender to socialistic communism even if it means armed conflict. Our Constitutional Representative Republic and free enterprise system is the best combination and most successful economic system ever devised by mankind. Is it perfect? No not yet but we are still working on perfection in this experiment called America. However, it is far greater than any other system on earth.

History has proven socialism never has worked and never will work. Only a fool would try such a terrible system here in the United States of America. Ask any hippy who tried communal living during the 60’s. Furthermore, more people have been murdered, by their own government, under socialism than all the wars that ever happened combined. Somewhere between one hundred seventy million and two hundred sixty million (yes that is hundreds of millions) citizens were murdered by their own governments throughout Europe and Asia during that bloody twentieth century it is recorded history. Only a nation of fools would ever install such a system here in America. However, those murders took place only after the citizens were disarmed. One more reason why America must never allow this government to disarm them.

Thomas Jefferson said; “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” Make no mistake about it Americans are beginning to fear their government and for good reason.
Only free men and women ever prosper! In America everyone has the right to pursue happiness. That right, like many others, is guaranteed in our constitution. It is, I might add, just one of the many things that sets the United States apart from other nations. The same constitution these left wing communist radicals want to do away with. The United States of America fought a civil war to free the slaves. However, under a socialistic system everyone is, to a large degree, a slave to government. Government is the master. Has anyone ever seen a wealthy slave? Or a happy slave? Slaves have no guaranteed right to seek happiness!

Right now as you read this President elect Biden is planning as to how he can do away with free speech and the rest of the first amendment. With the help of the huge communication companies like Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and Google just to name a few. We even see it in the news if the correct source is consulted. Next, make no mistake about it, he will attempt to ban and confiscate guns. He has even said he would do that. Neither must ever happen in this wonderful country. If it does the whole of the constitution will then disappear quickly. The citizens will have more reason to fear this government. The United States is set apart from other nations because our constitution supports and guarantees “individual” rights not collective rights and restricts government. Socialism is concerned with collective welfare not individual rights. It is also the final authority to all things necessary in life. In other words it is absolutely the opposite of what our founders had in mind for America.

We as Americans must be fully cognizant of what is happening right now in our country. If we are not we risk losing this wonderful country that millions have so loyally fought to preserve for over two hundred forty years. Looking the other way or ignoring these problems will only lead to the demise of the country we all love. That is exactly how important the current crises is certain to become!

Donald (Don) Bitler