Big fish

God Bless America

How much is too many

An attempt to break the world record for the largest number of twins to gather in one place went awry in Sri Lanka recently. They were aiming to attract about 5,000 pairs of twins to secure the Guinness record established in Taiwan where 3,961 sets showed up in 1999, according to the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. But the Sri Lankan event attracted an estimated 14,000 pairs causing chaos. 

Bragging rights

Two West Virginia fishing enthusiasts made it into the state’s record books, reports the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. Zachary Adkins landed a carp measuring more than 53 inches at Warden Lake and Justin Conner brought in a nearly 50 inch blue catfish that he caught in the Ohio River. While they now hold the record to for length, neither the carp nor the catfish were heavy enough to break the existing weight records.

The cops had him dead to rights

A commuter in Arizona takes the cake when it comes to coming up with illegal ways to use HOV lanes. According to the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] Arizona highway police recently caught a driver who thought he could get away with a skeleton propped up in the passenger seat of his car. Apparently he thought he could disguise the carcass by putting a hat on its head and covering its torso with what appeared to be bandages.