Stargazer: May 15—21, 2019


For All Signs:  Four planets are changing signs this week, which is unusual.  The big picture suggests lots of change and moving about.  There are six signs involved in this dance.  If your sign isn’t making the change, you are probably living with someone else who is.  The signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio.  That’s enough to square dance.  Almost everyone will be changing their primary focus or area of attention.  It will be interesting to watch.

Aries:  Your focus shifts at this time to matters of home, property, and family.  Through the next 7 weeks you may be handling heavy work around your home, and/or making repairs.   This is an accident prone time for you.  Use caution.

Taurus the Bull:  (Apr 20—May 20)  Venus enters your sign this week and will be traveling “with you” through the first week of June.  Her presence gives you an air of poise and people will simply like how you look.  Often when Venus is prominent we become more interested in art forms and want to make things in the environment more attractive.  We also become more interested in beautifying ourselves.

Gemini:   Aspects particularly favor those involved in teaching or learning, activities involving your siblings and also your local neighborhood, interests related to anything high tech or of an electrical nature. You are at the hub of a wheel of communications.  Others look to you for your leadership.

Cancer:  Mars, the warrior, enters your sign this week and will be traveling with you for seven weeks.  This energy is best used to handle physically heavy projects or take initiatives that you might not otherwise tackle.  You must take charge of the energy and focus it productively so it won’t run you ragged.

Leo:  You likely will bring one or more projects to a successful conclusion.  Then your attention shifts to the areas of community, contacts, and broader social relationships.  You may become more involved with other people’s children for a few weeks.   This is a good time to develop your network of contacts.

Virgo:  You have unusually favorable aspects this week.  Love and social life is prominent.  Business and/or career is flowing in your favor.  It is a good time to sign contracts.  Money seems to remain the same, but nearly everything else is given a go signal.

Libra:  Relationships take on an increased depth over the next few weeks.  Even long term partnerships will be sharing more intimately than usual about feelings.  Positive influences and opportunities or gifts come your way.  Money owed to you will be paid.  Resources grow over the next month.

Scorpio:  This week you will notice a shift into a new direction.  It will likely be related to contacting people at a distance, preparing to travel, seeking professional advice, or focused on education.  You may feel restless and have a need to move around, even if only locally.

Sagittarius:   This week’s focus is on children, whether your own or someone else’s.  You are asked to call on your creativity to entertain others at this time.  That doesn’t seem like a difficult job for the playful and inventive Sagittarian.  If not entertaining, you may be dabbling in the creative arts.

Capricorn:  Mercury, planet of communications, favors you in multiple ways this week.  It offers you opportunities to state your case before those who favorably lean toward you.   It brings opportunity for romance, if that is what you want.  Those with children may be given good news.

Aquarius:  Aspects favor home, hearth, and family matters this week.  It will be a good time to connect with relatives and/or long-time friends of the family.  People from this sector will be interested in what you have to say.  It is possible that you may be looking for a car or a new home.  This is the week you might strike a bingo.

Pisces:  This is a time during which your devotion to duty will be up front and center.  This does not necessarily have to be hard work.  It is more like “heart” work, that which you feel called to do.  Think carefully about what your commitment wants to be.  Don’t let any situation overuse your energy.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope?  Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee.)  http//