Stargazer: April 3 – 9, 2019


For All Signs:  We are in the midst of a several week period in which many of us will feel compelled to revisit the past in some way.  Old issues of resentment and anger, especially about authority figures, may resurface for a better cleansing.  A helpful ritual in these times is to clean out closets, eliminate useless items, and organize clutter.  There is something about these activities that helps us to clear our thoughts.  If you are troubled by an old angry demon, be aware that it wants you to search for a fresh perspective.  Work it out with a heavy project, or write it out in a journal and consider whether that demon must still be revered by your ego.  On a larger playground, corporations and political arenas may crash into each other.

Aries the Ram: (Mar 20—Apr 19th )  The New Moon on April 6, 2019, is in your sign.  You will likely be considering your next move(s) in life.  There may be one or more people that you will need to consider before taking the leap.  Once you decide upon something, you immediately want to move on it.  This time there may be push back, so take it slowly.

Taurus: This is likely to be a really unusual week.  Watch for odd coincidences and messages that seem to be sent to you personally, even if not direct, i.e. a book or a lecture you happen to find.  Your intuition is strong this week. 

Gemini:  There are times that you have a sharp tongue and this week you may be wanting to lash out quickly.  Be careful of where you aim that weapon.  Authority figures, older people, and teachers may not be forgiving.  Give attention to vehicle complaints.  You may have big car trouble if you don’t.

Cancer: This week brings changes and potential crises all around you.  Fortunately, you are the one with the clear head.  Don’t allow someone else’s panic to throw you off center.  You have what it takes to bring peace and harmony back to the situation.

Leo:  It will be really important to you to bring beauty and harmony into your situation.  Others may be upset but you can use ingenuity to help those you care about through their circumstances.  Oddly enough, focusing on the issues at hand will help you to the other side as well.

Virgo:  You may be concentrating on giving practical help to your significant other or to someone else of importance to you.  This is a good time to contribute your organizing talent to almost anyone who needs it.  Now is also a fine time to share thoughts with your partner and work toward amicable agreements.

Libra: If you are in need, now would be a good time to see an alternative healer or helper.  You are more than normally open to these practices and likely to gain benefit.  Give attention to circumstances that seem to give you a message.  (Cold chills are a symptom of that.)  Your intuition is heightened now.

Scorpio: You are at a low both emotionally and physically at this time.  Though you are normally prone to push yourself, this is a better period to listen to your body and give it what it needs.  You may be at a critical point concerning matters of resources.  The “rules” are interfering with your forward motion during this period.  It is frustrating, but it will soon pass.

Sagittarius: Your planetary ruler is in undisturbed condition this week. Your partner may take on an uncharacteristic manner of self-assertion.  He or she is not so likely to back down from a fight.  Life will be generally more harmonious if you stay off the hot topics.  If it is important to tackle them, seek a counselor, a trusted friend, or a negotiator to keep things fair.

Capricorn:  Give special attention to the lead paragraph this week.  If you are feeling angry with yourself or someone else, sit and think about it before acting.  It is possible that you are over-reacting to a situation that is similar to something negative in your old history.  Perhaps you are dealing with someone whose behavior or visage is a reminder of someone else in your past.

Aquarius: It may be a challenge for you to be around people this week.  Everything seems irritating.  If you recognize this in yourself, look for activities that you can manage without involving others.  It is a generally difficult week, but it will be over soon.

Pisces: A reality which cracks a prized illusion may pierce the veil and make itself conscious for you.  It is disappointing, but let it teach you something about your truth.  Evaluate.  Don’t be critical or hard on yourself.  If you object to this reality, you can change it and you will feel better.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope?  Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee.)  http//