Purple rain

With the exception of our annual monsoon season Arizona’s weather pattern comes to us primarily from neighboring California, good and bad. Now it would seem so do our political leanings. California transplants (immigrants) bring their ideology that has rained down on the state of Barry Goldwater & Johnny Rhodes. This same leftist philosophy that is forcing the Golden State to it’s financial knees, brought a hoard of 5000 to their doorstep and forced a taxation driven exodus out of California into Arizona. New York and Illinois are other major contributors for much the same reasons.

Tennyson’s poem “Locksley Hall” sounds prophetic reading in part: “Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales; heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rain’d a ghastly dew, from the nations’ airy navies grappling in the central blue…”

Our once solidly conservative (red) state is falling prey to the hollow promises of the progressive left. Assisted at every turn by a compliant alphabet broadcast media, the Arizona Republic, Arizona’s newspaper of record, which now reads more like Pravda. Always awash with dark money from out of state to fund “middle of the road, independent thinking” candidates and campaigns who are attempting to steal our fair state for the left as surely as they are trying to steal Florida’s senate seat and governorship.

As a registered Independent for decades (thanks to John McCain) I pulled the lever for every Republican except Rodney Glassman, poo pooed the Blue Wave, but feared the Purple Rain.  There is no umbrella for protection, only hard work in the grassroot trenches.

Randy Edwards