New tell-all book profit goes to charity – perfect for adult groups!

A new book that will be the perfect choice for an existing book discussion or adult study group or a perfect reason to start one!

“God’s Tiniest Angel and the Last Unicorn:

One Christian’s Incredible Life Adventure” by Rick R. Redalen, M.D. is a story-telling triumph about the life of a young man from North Dakota who isn’t always the best at following God’s directions. His life is full of struggles and successes and he shares it all, as though he is talking to you in person. He is a gifted family practice physician and his education and medical practice are seamlessly interwoven with his personal life. The death of his father-in-law is disastrous, leading to abuse of Demarol, illicit affairs, divorce, losing contact with his children, thoughts of suicide and falling into darkness. Angels help him find the light!

The book is available in print and in ebook format through Amazon.

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