According To PVT South

Dearly Beloved–Northern California is looking more like a disaster area because of all the forest fires while Sen. Dianne Feinstein is harping on more gun control (because of Vegas) Every time she pops up in the news the first thing that comes to mind (rubber bullets).

Back in the 50’s Detroit was undisputed (Motor City) in America, and now half the cars here are either foreign made or foreign in name. Now our Down Home Smart Boys are still having a (wet dream) about electric cars. The environmentalists love them but those suckers are fading into the sunset because they are not cost effective. (time will tell) I will not count the ways, but I am sure by now you will at least understand. Would you believe they have come out with an electric plane? (will it ever end)?

When you think it couldn’t get worse, a bunch of dumb dumb’s have been protesting Christopher Columbus and Columbus Day. Queen Hillary losing has really brought out the ugly side of America that most folks don’t want to look at.

After Trump won, where would America be today if everyone made an effort to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem? The stock market is way up, jobs are up, America is doing a better job, our borders are safer, gas at the pump is not too outrageous, and President Trump basically got it done by himself. The Democrats in Congress didn’t help and half the Republicans were an embarrassment. Whatever happened to good government? OK–The new mid-term elections with new leadership in Congress will work, but will Sen. McConnell and Paul Ryan go quietly? (don’t hold your breath)

New headlines in the USA Today. “Army settles for recruits who are less qualified” Dearly Beloved–That is no way to win a war. Last year the Army spent 424 million on bonuses for recruits. Bring back the draft and We The People can save all those tax dollars. The Army also gave waivers for pot smokers. (is this a great country or what)? OK–Just think, where would America and the NFL be today if Queen Hillary had won?

PVT South
