May 24—30, 2017

Vivian Carol
Vivian Carol

For All Signs: The static and interference among the planets returns this week in the form of an opposition between Mars and Saturn. Mars represents the warrior within us and Saturn symbolizes the Inner Teacher. A common association is that Mars, as accelerator, is being held by the brake of Saturn. It is a time to evaluate the results of new starts generated during the late summer of 2016, hesitating, and making corrections or needed changes now. The spirit is meant to help us make improvements and fine tune previous work. The potential trap is one of nagging and nit-picking. Use it for evaluation and avoid falling into a snare of criticism or guilt. This is a time in which accidents may happen with vehicles and other machinery. Mars (the engine) is temporarily trapped by its brakes.

Aries: The pressure of pending change is making itself known in your work arena. A situation that may no longer be tolerable for you personally is the fulcrum. Perhaps this is an issue in which you cannot find any method to create peace enough for efficient operation. Speak up, but not in public, lest you regret it. Drive and handle tools very carefully.

Taurus: Changes may be occurring in your primary relationship. One or the other of you is probably trying to hang onto what is familiar. Changes and growth must be allowed to happen or the relationship will become stale. Let things flow naturally. Don’t jump to conclusions or make problems bigger than they are.

Gemini the Twins: (May 20 — June 21) You are disturbed by a situation that you would rather not broadcast at this time. Don’t lash out at people. It will not serve you well later. If you must speak, tone down your anger a notch or two and say your piece. Then let it go.

Cancer: You are in a reasonably good place with yourself now. Your heart and mind are flowing together. You have no conflict between your feelings and your thoughts about those feelings. This is a time for reflection on important subjects. You can make good decisions now, especially those that are financial.

Leo: You may feel pressured by circumstances to take control of a situation. Perhaps that is so. Or perhaps you merely fear that others will not handle the situation as well as you can. You are dangerously close to letting your ego run the game. Please spend some time in contemplation of what is the “right” thing to do for the Greater Good before you act.

Virgo: You are prone to worry about outcomes that may never happen. Think carefully. Will worrying make the situation any better in the long run? Your ego is most likely the culprit. It wants the shallow satisfaction of knowing you were right in worrying. Consider how pointless that is and let go of the worry. Relax.

Libra: You are harboring a secret attitude about a loved one. You may think it is not visible, but it erodes the core of the relationship. The probability is high that it is critical of yourself or the Other. Maybe a change does need to happen, but it is not useful to pressure its creation with blame.

Scorpio: Make no impulsive moves this week and keep a sharp curb on your tongue. There may be a minor skirmish with a partner or roommate over the sharing of resources. This is not the ultimate deal breaker and the moments of discomfort pass quickly if your relationship is basically sound. Don’t turn the issue into a disaster.

Sagittarius: Jupiter, your ruling planet is in a truly challenging place. You may feel mistreated by someone, even attacked. But you know intuitively that if you fight it, things will go against you. It is hard for you to back off from a fight, but you must do so now. Wait until well beyond the end of this month to revisit the situation.

Capricorn: You have a desire to make changes to home and/or other property, but you hit a brick wall that tells you “no.” Maybe this is a person who disagrees or possibly it is some type of inalterable rule. Step back two paces and allow your mind to open a crack to a fresh and do-able idea.

Aquarius: You accomplished a major task in the last couple of weeks. You were in the right place with the right skills to see it through. Don’t bother with re-thinking what you “could-a, would-a, should” have done. You did your part in the best way you could. Let yourself have the privilege of recognizing that and be done with it.

Pisces: Your imagination and storytelling ability is at a high point. Tell or write beautiful prose from scratch. Don’t try to correct it as you go. There will be time for editing later. Your dreams are meaningful and your intuition strong.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website: