
Volunteer web guru needed!
The Cave Creek Museum is currently looking for a volunteer to help with our website and its maintenance.
Duties include:
• Working with GoDaddy to ensure that back-end components are all up and running.
GoDaddy provides a server, operating system and database which all together hosts our website software.
• Maintaining Website content: Adding, deleting and editing Website content.
• Maintain the Website software configuration (WordPress with Themes).
• Implement a “Responsive Design” to the software (allowing mobile users to see the full site).
• Maintain plugins, as well as verification of their updates.
• Manage plugin software licenses.
• Migration to a more user friendly theme.
• Develop online forms using Gravity Forms.
• WordPress administration: Add/Remove users, Read/Write settings, Comment and Spam filter management, Collect Google Analytics Data.
If you happen to know of anyone, young or old, who has an interest and ability to work with us on our Website, please forward this email to them, or call the museum for more information.
Thank you for your help and support!
Evelyn Johnson
Executive Director
HB 2570 and citizen groups
First a note on House Bill HB 2570 (the bill to remove any city’s requirement to salvage native plants), it didn’t make it out of the House of Representatives this year, but we expect the sponsor to try again next year so we will keep a watch on it. A big thank you to any of you who wrote, e-mailed, or called representatives to get them to oppose this bill. The opposition was strong and varied, but despite it, those pushing this horrible bill didn’t let up. Fortunately, thanks to all of you, they weren’t successful.
Second, on forming a new citizen group, after a lot of thought, and review of current citizen organizations in Scottsdale, we have decided not to form a new group but rather to join the Coalition of Greater Scottsdale (COGS) and help morph it into a more active organization. COGS is already a good and stable organization with a base of members, board of directors, name recognition, and a positive reputation with citizens and city staff. It also has a political committee that endorses and backs candidates for city council, and getting good people on the council is the only real way to change anything. While COGS has been around awhile, it has not been active enough in opposing inappropriate projects, or taking on the city when something is proposed that is illegal. To really be affective, COGS has to step up and become a force to deal with when someone wants to significantly change the character of our city. To do this, COGS has to expand its membership and get some new and/or additional board members who are more active, both of which they are in process of doing.
I would therefore highly recommend that you join COGS, membership is only $10/year, and help build it into a force developers, and the city, will have to reckon with and one that will represent you, and other citizens, in maintaining the beautiful city we live in and the high quality of life we enjoy here.
If you are concerned about increasing traffic congestion, high buildings blocking views, loss of services or amenities, and/or all the apartments we see popping up all over the city, then I urge you to join COGS and support growth and development that complements our city and builds on our strengths rather than destroying all the great characteristics that made it a place we wanted to live in.
I have attached the COGS membership invitation letter that tells you how to join and also contains links to their website.
Regardless of what you do with COGS, I will strive to keep you informed of issues what will impact all of us.
Howard Myers
"Unified City Services Municipal ID Card"... Panacea or scam?!!
Phoenix Council members Laura Pastor, Michael Nowakowski, Daniel Valenzuela and Kate Gallego have teamed with leftist "Community Organizing" groups such as the "Center for Neighborhood Leadership," "One PHX I," etc. in introducing the "Unified City Services/Municipal ID Card." This photo-ID card is being promoted as a way to condense a number of City provided services into one ID card for City of Phoenix residents. Sounds fairly logical, doesn't it?
We now have evidence that this ID card is being promoted primarily as an avenue to legitimize the status of non-citizens (aka 'Illegal Aliens') who reside within Phoenix City boundaries. In adding insult to injury, not only will Illegal's obtain free City Services with this Card but start up fees, photo, printing and distribution costs will also be born by Phoenix taxpayers as well. This program is nothing more than a Trojan Horse being promoted as some shiny new toaster oven that everyone should be in possession of. Citizens from every corner of the state should be concerned because if Phoenix were to take the bait and adopt this scam, it will only be a matter of time before the cancer spreads to other Arizona municipalities!
A full City Council hearing is being held on this issue at 3 p.m. today, April 22 at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 W. Jefferson St., Phoenix, AZ. This forum is open to public commentary and your input is imperative! If you have had it up to your eyeballs with politicians who encourage lawbreakers to continue receiving free rides on the backs of responsible taxpayers in exchange for votes, there is something you can do to stop this! Make a phone call, e-mail, write and/or speak out to the Mayor and City Council members that you are against the "United City Services Municipal ID Card"! Here are some other links that should convince even the most skeptical that Cities across the nation are under assault through this Municipal ID Card Program:
• Phoenix City Council Considering Local ID for Undocumented Immigrants
• Phoenix ID cards urged for migrants
• Phoenix coalition to hear ID card pitch from program creator
Should you carry a Municipal ID Card?
Now that Municipal IDs are now a fact of life in New York City, voting rights for non-citizens are now being pursued in that city. As Phoenix is emulating the New York City model, will a drive to promote voting rights for "non-citizens" be next on the agenda once Municipal IDs are established in Phoenix?
Vince Ansel
Help stop the battle against our armed forces
The men and women of the United States military serve with distinction throughout the world, but a battle for their hearts and minds is being waged against them here at home.
It has been recently brought to light that a defense organization that produces training courses and material for the armed forces, the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI), has been using curriculum for a course on sexism that teaches the notion that the Bible, the United States Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence are "historical influences that allow sexism to continue."
When brought to light, the courses were taken off the DEOMI website and marked as "under revision," but simply hiding such Leftist propaganda from public view doesn't get to the root of the problem. Our military men and women put their lives on the line to defend our Constitution, and many of them do so proudly with a faith in the God of the Bible. To teach courses that undermine the faith of our service men and women and our nation's founding documents is to undermine those who defend America.
Please join me in signing our petition to Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter that urges him to get DEOMI under control. The organization is already in turmoil, with its commandant, Col. Morris "Reese" Turner having been suspended in December for alleged "inappropriate touching."
Please read the petition that follows, and if you agree, sign it (www.frc.org/action) and let's together send a message that our troops deserve better.
To: Defense Secretary Ashton Carter
The recent news that the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) was teaching a course that cited the Bible, the United States Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence as "historical influences that allow sexism to continue," reflects a repeated pattern by DEOMI in the past few years that shows disdain for the America that our armed forces defend and love. Although this particular curriculum was removed and placed "under revision," the continued hostility shown toward religion and our founding documents is inconsistent with the mission and mindset of our service members. Our armed forces are asking young men and women to put their lives on the line for our Constitution, yet teaches them through DEOMI to denigrate that same Constitution.
This cannot stand.
I urge you to instruct DEOMI Commandant Col. Morris "Reese" Turner to get control of this waste of American defense dollars and to make all of DEOMI's curriculum available for public scrutiny, so any further continued devaluation of religion or our founding documents will be brought to light.
Lt. Gen. (US Army-Ret.) William "Jerry" Boykin
Executive Vice President
An observation
For those who follow the news the following facts are easily recognizable. For those who aren't paying attention it is time to wake up.
• ISIS has a camp in Mexico not far from the border near El Paso Texas. The Mexican "government" has confirmed it.
• Barack Hussein Obama is importing more Muslims faster than you can say "What the hell is going on"?
• Border security under Obama is a joke and non-existent..
• The hands of OUR Border agents have been tied by ridiculous regulations.
• Obama releases illegal immigrants who are hardened criminals into the general population.
• Illegal immigrants just flow in through our airports and disappear inside OUR country.
• The police forces are hog tied and frustrated under the yoke of the tyrannical racists, Obama and Holder
• Street violence and race hatred are permitted and encouraged by Obama under Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and others just like them.
• The New Black Panther party is permitted to intimidate and threaten Americans without restraint.
• The Armed Forces of the United States has been reduced in size to the point of being laughable.
With all the crime and threats to public safety going on Obama and his jackbooted Gestapo in the White House and administration continue their effort to take away our legal weapons and/or the ammunition DESPITE the guarantees of the 2nd Amendment.
At the same time we NEVER hear one word about how the ILLEGAL weapons that have flooded this country will be removed from the hands of gang bangers, cartel members, criminals, the Black Panthers and those Muslim training camps inside the United States.
If I didn't know better I would think that the "end game" of Barack Obama is to leave us defenseless and at the mercy of the dregs of society with only our "privates" in our hands.
Tom Carbone
Persecuted church in America
I trust you are aware that the persecuted church isn't just overseas anymore. It's gaining traction in America.
And being aware yourself, I pray you will also help wake up others ... before it's too late.
We need to wake up Americans to the rampaging persecution of the American Church!
The persecution toll is rising:
The state of Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries – in concert with the homosexual rights movement – has decimated the once-successful small business of Aaron and Melissa Klein, because the Kleins refused to bake a cake for a same-sex "wedding." Today, Aaron drives a garbage truck and the Kleins face $150,000 in fines.
The state of Washington – and radical homosexual activists – are threatening to wipe out the business and seize the home and personal assets of 70-year-old florist, Barronelle Stutzman, because she politely declined to participate in a same-sex "wedding."
The Obama Administration is forcing federal contractors and subcontractors to affirm homosexual behavior ... and forced radical social policies on the military creating a chilling effect that silences chaplains and service members from expressing their faith.
In all such cases, Christians – American Christians – are suffering. And it's just the tip of the iceberg.
And in each case, the target is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It is being shut down by any means at hand. Concepts like "sexual liberty," "tolerance" and "political correctness" are just tools to achieve the goal of suppressing religious freedom, the freedom to believe.
Is there hope? YES! If we stand up for our rights so the doors to the gospel stay open in America.
At a recent FRC press conference, Aaron Klein, one of the greatest heroes of the faith I know, cited an FRC survey showing that 81 percent of Americans support the freedom to believe and follow religious beliefs free from government intrusion, even if they openly disagree with the same-sex "marriage" movement.
Then Aaron, who has sacrificed his whole business for our faith, said,"It would almost appear as if we have lost the battle for the culture as Christians. I would say that's not true. I say that we can become relevant. I say that we can fight for our rights. I say that we should fight for our rights ... we're called to put on the full armor of God – and stand."
Let us stand. With Aaron. With each other. For each other.
And most importantly, for Christ.
FRC will expose and oppose the attack on our religious freedom, our freedom to believe.
We will reach millions of Americans and rally millions of Christians through our daily and weekly radio broadcasts ... our 57,000-member Watchman on the Wall Pastors Network ... and through dozens of media appearances by FRC experts in the coming months.
We will provide critical research, facts and arguments to help members of Congress and state governments as they craft laws to protect "freedom to believe" and make sure violations like I've described STOP HAPPENING in America.
Will you stand with us? Thank you in advance for answering the call.
Standing (Eph. 6:13),
Tony Perkins, President
Family Research Council
Bad decisions, age is only a number
Two police officers - one from South Carolina and one from Oklahoma should never have pulled their handguns. Their decisions took lives and forever destroyed families and their own personal lives. One cop was just 33 and the other 72.
A lot has been said about Michael T. Slager, a young man with a new baby due any day. His life is forever ruined by the decision to pull his gun and shoot Walter Scott in the back as he ran away. Much is also now being said about Bob Bates, a 72 year- old reserve cop from Tulsa, Oklahoma. He too made a very bad judgment that took the life of Eric Courtney and also forever changed lives.
Police officers have gotten more than their share of bad publicity in recent months. They've earned it. No one feels happy about cops if they've ever been harassed or talked down to by a police officer. What person has not felt somewhat threatened when pulled over by a police officer? The police have the authority and guns.
I am a supporter of the police. What kind of society would we have without them? If I need them I want them to show up.
People should not resist arrest or run from police officers. There is no future in such actions. While I believe that most of our police officers are good, hard working and ethical people there is the occasional lone idiot who has a badge and a gun and that combination of lunacy, authority and weaponry is very dangerous. They will surely hurt somebody, destroy a family and make the news. They also make it really difficult for the good police officers.
Putting a North Charleston, South Carolina officer Michael T. Slager, age 33, in jail recently for shooting a man eight times in the back was the right thing to do. He has zero business being a policeman. Bob Bates a 73 year-old reserve officer in Tulsa, Oklahoma, said he was reaching for his stun gun but instead pulled his real gun and killed a man already on the ground. He has been charged with second-degree manslaughter.
Two men are dead. Their families are in pain. Two police officers are going to jail. Multiple families are ruined forever. Bad decisions were made by people young and old and on both sides of the law.
Glenn Mollette
Applaud Governor Ducey
Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse would like to applaud and thank Governor Ducey for passing HB 2603, which brings much needed transparency to the asbestos litigation process in Arizona.
Following the lead of other states- including Ohio, West Virginia and Wisconsin- Arizona has taken an important step in curbing the influence of the trial bar, who frequently “double dip” during the asbestos litigation process to file duplicate claims against bankruptcy trusts, as well as companies.
Passing bills such as HB 2603 is a necessary step to curb the influence of the trial bar and return our legal system to one that operates by fair, transparent rules and works to the benefit of all. All of Arizona should be proud of the work that Governor Ducey is doing to make this happen, and other states should look to Arizona as a bright example.
Tom Scott
National Spokesperson for Sick of Lawsuits
Executive Director of California Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse
Did Ex-Im Bank head call either Senator Obama or President Obama a liar?
A brief moment on Capitol Hill, an Obama-appointed official stumbled into providing an honest window into the political mindset in the Obama Administration, when he called Obama a liar over derogatory comments Obama made related to the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank in 2006.
Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) elicited the startling stroke of honesty from Ex-Im Bank Chairman Fred Hochberg when, in a Committee hearing on efforts to reform the bank, he asked Hochberg to comment on then-Senator Barack Obama's statement that "the Export-Import Bank is little more than a fund for corporate welfare" with Jordan asking the punch line, "was he wrong?"
Hochberg answered, "Yes." He added, "People say things in campaigns; they say things, different things, when they are in office. So, I'm not going to comment on what was motivating then-Senator Barack Obama."
Rep. Jordan replied, "That's the understatement of the year."
Beyond calling the President a liar, Hochberg also inadvertently pointed to the real political jeopardy that the Ex-Im Bank finds itself in by insinuating that presidential candidate Obama had political motivation behind opposing the bank. His admission shows a realization that the bank is wildly unpopular with the anti-Big Corporation left, which Senator Elizabeth Warren will court if she runs for president. At the same time, the bank also finds itself under assault from conservative, limited government groups who oppose its role of picking winners and losers in the worldwide economy, and in the process putting non-favored U.S. corporations at a competitive disadvantage against the foreign businesses the bank helps.
While it may not come as any surprise that then-Senator Barack Obama told some real whoppers in his run for the presidency, it is a surprise that one of his own appointees would so bluntly testify under oath that these statements were just part of the campaign and that he does things differently now that he's in office.
This neatly sums up much of what is wrong with Washington, D.C. – politicians are elected to office on the basis of position statements made to appeal to voters but then ditch those positions after taking office when it becomes expedient to do so.
Nathan Mehrens, President
Americans for Limited Government Foundation
Ready or not, here comes Hillary!
Ready or not, here she comes! Hillary made her official campaign announcement last weekend, and I am officially getting ready for Hillary. This summer, I'll have a new book out with Harper Collins that tells the true story of American progressivism and how it has led to Obama and Hillary.
Let there be no doubt: Hillary will continue the same militantly progressive policies that Obama has pursued. Perhaps an appropriate campaign slogan for her would be, "The Nightmare Continues!"
Have you noticed that instead of having a vibrant primary contest that allows issues to be debated and candidates tested, the Democrats instead have an anointing process for their new Chosen One? Watch how the media downplays the fact that the GOP candidates are young and ethnically diverse while the sole Democrat is, well, white and old.
I'm thankful that Saturday Night Live – after being informed that Hillary isn't black – has returned to its irreverent skewering of presidential candidates! Watch the clip from last week:
I was on Newsmax TV yesterday to explain more about what we can expect from Hillary. Her stagecraft of late – would she really go to Chipotle if she wasn't running? – should be no surprise considering that the Clintons have always put on a show that is very different from the way they really live. Do even Democrats want an aging playboy and a ruthless power-seeker in the White House next?
Watch the interview with Steve Malzberg:
The good news this week is that America, the #6 most successful political documentary of all time, has been trending on Netflix! Have you watched yet? Stream the movie instantly here.
This year, I would like to help as many students around the country see my film as possible. The movie acts as an antidote to the liberal indoctrination that happens every day in public schools and colleges. That's why I'm offering to donate a copy of the film to a school or student for every copy that is purchased on my website! So if you don't yet own your own DVD, now is the time to get one for you and get one for a student!
Dinesh D'Souza
P.S. Who would have predicted 5 years ago that Obama would spurn allies like Israel and cozy up to Cuba and Iran? Actually, I did!