Steve LaMar for Cave Creek Town Council
I unhesitatingly endorse Steve LaMar for Cave Creek Town Council. I have known Steve for 14 years, served on the Cave Creek Planning Commission with him for 5 of those years and have found him to be totally dedicated to the town and professional in all respects. He has lived in Cave Creek for 29 years and has always been involved with the town. He was instrumental in the town’s incorporation in 1986, served on the planning commission for some 15 years serving repeatedly as chairman and vice chairman, served on the town council for 4 years, volunteered his time and expertise on dozens of community and town issues over the years and is an avid horseman. His performance on the council for 4 years confirms that you can trust him, he has no personal agenda and he is dedicated to always do what is best for the town. You may not always agree with him. I don’t. But, he stays focused on one thing and that is what is best for the town. The town is headed in the wrong direction and Steve is the clear choice to help rebuild the community we all love so much.
Bob Williams
Cave Creek
Carefree ‘Special Council Meeting’
Recently Ed Lewis, Butte Companies, proposed a joint partnership with the Arizona State University Art Museum, which is a part of the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, and the Town of Carefree. Mr. Lewis offered to build a Carefree Cultural Center for the Town (at his builder cost), along with building his proposed mixed-use development (Phase 1) of 34 luxury condos built over retail space and restaurants – adding foot traffic that will greatly increase the vibrancy of our Town Center.
I was asked by the Carefree Town Council to represent the town in discussions, along with former Councilman Bob Gemmill. We believe adding a brand name like Arizona State University’s Art Museum (ASUAM) to the mix is a win-win for all – the Town, Butte Properties and ASUAM.
With an ASUAM presence in Carefree, the Town’s “brand” is increased; Carefree residents are provided an opportunity for cultural amenities without having to travel for an hour, as well as enhanced property values! Butte Companies achieves a cultural draw with a brand name to augment The Easy Street Project mixed-use proposal slated to begin in 2016; and ASUAM is excited to fulfill their goal to share their resources with a community like Carefree where they will have an impact and enrich the arts and design culture in Arizona.
This Center will be the ASUAM’s outreach to the community with rotating exhibits, lectures and shows from the Herberger Institute’s many schools (Art; Design; Arts, Media + Engineering; Film, Dance, & Theatre; and Music), as well as the ASU Art Museum.
Don’t miss the proposal by ASUAM and Butte Companies to be presented to the Carefree Town Council (Post Office Bldg.) at a Special Council Meeting on January 14, 2015 at 5 p.m.
Melissa Price
Susan Clancy for Cave Creek Town Council
I recommend Susan Clancy for Cave Creek Town Council. She has been a resident of Cave Creek for 24 years and served this community in a number of ways, most visibly as a member of the Cave Creek Unified School District governing board for some 16 years. On top of that, she ran her own business for many years. And, under the circumstances, we must consider it a real tribute to fill this council seat with someone who has no personal agenda and who actually lives in Cave Creek.
Melanie Williams
Cave Creek
.ORG bloggers admit Cave Creek Town Council slate they supported is a DUD!!!
Visit http://sonorantruth.info/2014/12/Bloggers-Admit-Council-Slate-They-Supported-is-a-DUD/
The blog “sonorantruth.org” has a long history of publishing half-truths and out right lies. Do not confuse the real SonoranTruth.info with the “.org”.
On December 20, 2014, however, a comment on the .org blog may actually be truthful. The comment was in regards to uniting the slate in the upcoming March 2015 Cave Creek Council recall election:
“Frankly, we’re not going to do it for them because nothing has changed. Durkin, Spitzer, Monachino and Trenk did not transform the way business is done in Cave Creek. They did not improve the ethics of Town Hall. In fact, with Jankowski it became worse, more entrenched.”
Here is what Cave Creek voters think about the Slate:
Special operations chief does not understand ISIS
Major General Michael K. Nagata is commander of U.S. Special Operations forces in the Middle East and is in charge of a Pentagon mission that will train and equip Syrian rebels to fight the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as the Islamic State (IS) or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
Nagata assembled an unofficial group of consultants outside the traditional realms of expertise within the Pentagon, State Department and intelligence agencies, in search of fresh ideas and inspiration to answer the question; what makes the ISIS so dangerous?
"We do not understand the movement, and until we do, we are not going to defeat it," Nagata said, according to the confidential minutes of a conference call he held with the experts. "We have not defeated the idea. We do not even understand the idea."
The general said, "They are drawing people to them in droves. There are I.S. T-shirts and mugs" and asked "What makes I.S. so magnetic, inspirational?"
The answer is simple - they have been winning. Few people buy T-shirts and mugs of losing sports teams.
In addition, ISIS has a simple and uncompromising message, one that often resonates with the alienated, aimless or unsuccessful.
For disaffected Muslims, ISIS can represent a form of Islamic glamour that fills an emotional need both for purpose and redemption; it is an opportunity to belong and win; it provides a powerful enticement to live out a fantasy of revenge for past insults projected onto the form of present helpless victims.
The core of ISIS, however, is pure Jihad.
ISIS' tactics may resemble those of the Mafia, the intimidation, the brutality and its criminal activities like bank heists, extortion, robberies, and smuggling; but they all can be construed as in line with Sharia-adherent practices regarding Jihad.
"There is ample jurisprudence regarding the disposition of the spoils of war. For example, Reliance of the Traveller by Ahmad ibn Naqib Al-Misri, which includes legal rulings for both the personal booty of fighters who have slain an enemy and may take what he possessed for themselves (Book O. Justice, O.10.2) and for the collective use of spoils of war in order to pay for items of importance for the cause of the Islamic state such as, "fortify[ing] defense on the frontiers, salaries for Islamic judges, muezzins, and the like:" (Book 0. Justice 0.10.3)"
The "Mafia" tactics of killing or kidnapping for ransom are all permitted under the Sharia during jihad. Al-Misri notes (Book 0 Justice O.9.14):
"When an adult male is taken captive, the caliph considers the interests and decides between the prisoner's death, slavery, release without paying anything or ransoming himself in exchange for money or for a Muslim captive held by the enemy."
What makes ISIS dangerous is not unique in history. The most harm of all is done when power is in the hands of people who are absolutely persuaded of the purity of their instincts and of the purity of their intentions. Lenin was a man whose intentions may or may not have been good, but he was completely persuaded that he was right and he was willing to use all methods to achieve his aims. Mussolini was much less of a danger because he was an opportunist. He didn't really believe what he was saying. He was willing to be bribed by whoever would bribe him the most. In contrast, Hitler was a sincere fanatic; he believed in what he was doing and he did far greater harm.
What makes ISIS different is that, although it has similar geopolitical aspirations, its instincts and intentions are believed to be divinely-inspired.
What hampers our ability to understand and combat ISIS is, quite frankly, political correctness, which eschews uncomfortable and inconvenient facts and forces the type of analysis that inevitably leads to the often heard excuse about every U.S. enemy in the age of liberalism - that ISIS "cannot be defeated militarily."
Perhaps the Obama Administration can save us by creating a social media algorithm to dampen the enthusiasm for the T-shirts and mugs?
Lawrence Sellin, PhD
Instead of Wounded Warrior Project, go to Border Patrol Foundation
A little bit of history:
My son joined USBP about 29 years ago. Fresh out of Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC), he was assigned to the Nogales, Arizona post, where he served under Ron Colburn, who has remained a close family friend throughout the years. During his first three months on patrol, my son was involved in FOUR firefights with drug smugglers.
My son eventually moved on to other federal LE departments, but we maintained close contact with Ron, who retired from service as the number two official in Customs and Border Protection.
If you think our troops in the Sandbox have it bad, just think of our USBP personnel, alone in the middle of Bumf---, Arizona, with prohibitive Rules of Engagement (ROEs), hostile invaders (v. U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's murder) and a President of the United States (POTUS) who is, with his Attorney General, essentially, the domestic enemy against whom we veterans swore to defend our Constitution.
I urge you to consider making a donation from the heart to a team that is defending our borders against armed and dangerous invaders. My check is being mailed tomorrow because I feel that the U.S. Border Patrol is in more imminent danger than our mechanics and mess-cooks and other support, non-combat personnel in the sandbox. And they are, in fact, the last line of defense of America.
Bless you all for your understanding and support.
J-P. A. Maldonado
Lafayette, Colorado
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ronald Colburn
Subject: Instead of Wounded Warrior Project, go to Border Patrol Foundation
Please tell all of those you can that instead -- they can donate to The Border Patrol Foundation (www.borderpatrolfoundation.org), a 501.c.3 non-profit. We support the families of the fallen Border Patrol Agents -- fast becoming America's "most dangerous job." To boot, the Obama Administration has cut salaries and benefits to employees of the Border Patrol by as much as 15 percent. He has stalled acquisitions of border security technology, reduced the boots on the ground and halted infrastructure improvement projects. He has gutted the U.S. Border Patrol budget since he entered office by an aggregate $2 billion dollars.
Ron Colburn, President
The Border Patrol Foundation (BPF)
Meet Mark Lipsky
Hello. My name is Mark Lipsky and I’m running for Council.
I attempted to run for local town office almost as soon as I first arrived here in 2003 but discovered that my address on Fleming Springs Road was in the County just outside the town’s boundaries which prevented my direct involvement in town government. After moving into the town-proper a couple of years later, I intended to run for local office but, unfortunately, work took me away. Today, six years later, work has brought me ‘home’ to Cave Creek.
Back in 2003, I was so captivated by the town’s intense beauty, lightly constrained wildness and exceptionally engaging human and non-human inhabitants I made a film about Cave Creek. I learned through that process what makes the Creek so remarkable and treasured: you either get it or you don’t. Like you, I get it.
I’m not Republican, Democrat or Independent. I’m running on the Cave Creek ticket. I’m not a politician, I’m not angry at anyone. I have no axe to grind. I have no allegiances other than to the people of Cave Creek.
I recognize that even among those of us who treasure this town there are conflicting – even diametrically opposed – opinions about how to ‘keep Cave Creek Cave Creek’ as it continues to develop. I’m anxious to lend all of my energies to the position of Cave Creek Council Member.
Transparency – To me, transparency in local government empowers its citizens. Transparency is assuring citizens clearly understand both – or every – side of any issue that comes before council so their feedback and participation has optimal impact. I’m running for Council because I believe it’s nearly impossible to completely understand the issues without some degree of insider knowledge. I want that complete picture for myself and I want to do everything I can to disseminate it to my fellow citizens.
Open Space – Preserving and prudently broadening our open space is one of the missions of Cave Creek’s Town Council. It’s my belief the present council and councils I’ve known in the past have considered this a necessary mission. I consider it a sacred mission.
Bike Lanes & Walkways – For reasons of safety as well as for the substantial, accretive revenue both Cave Creek and Carefree would derive from increased bike and pedestrian traffic, bike lanes and walkways must be a council priority. They are not. I would work hard to see they become one.
Trails & Spur Cross – Both our trail system and the Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area are unique and incredibly valuable town assets. Unfortunately, they are little-known outside of the area. As a seasoned marketing executive whose focus was the entertainment and technology industries, I’ll provide a fresh, innovative perspective for attracting visitor attention and dollars to the town.
Inclusion – One of the great distinctions and strengths of Cave Creek is its authenticity. First and foremost is its western heritage which has survived and thrived for generations and permeates nearly everything in town. But Cave Creek is much more than genuinely western. Over the years the town has welcomed an eclectic set of businesses which, while fitting comfortably into our western character, maintain their own individuality and authenticity. Each makes a tangible contribution to the remarkable crazy quilt that is Cave Creek and each merits appropriate acknowledgement and consideration by town government – whether a sprawling bar that attracts thousands of visitors each month, a foundling olive oil company or a golf course that happens to be the top employer in town.
With your support and your vote, I will do my best to be an asset to Cave Creek and its people.
Mark Lipsky
Cave Creek
Are you a PC for Ben Carson?
All PCs (precinct committee members) are required to attend the Maricopa County Republican Committee meeting on Saturday, January 10 at 9 a.m. (registration at 7 a.m.) at:
Grace Community Church
1200 E. Southern Ave.
Tempe, AZ 85282
We need to have as many volunteers as possible at this meeting, especially if you are a PC, to show strong support for Dr. Carson's candidacy. We will be setting up a table at 6:30 a.m. and need your help!
We know that the Rand Paul and Chris Christie people are already organizing in Arizona. Let's not let them get the jump on us. We know that Dr. Carson is the only candidate who can beat a Democrat nominee and indications are that he is likely to run! We need to start the campaign now!
Further ... on Saturday, January 24, at the same time and place as above, the Arizona GOP will be holding its State Convention. We will need even more volunteers for that date. The National Director, Vernon Robinson, will be here and is looking forward to the support of a large group of our Arizona volunteers.
Please be sure to RSVP so that we know who is willing to stand up to fight for our nation on January 10 and on January 24.
Visit http://www.runbenrun.org/
maricopa_republican_county_meeting to volunteer for January 10.
Visit http://www.runbenrun.org/
az_pcs_needed_20150124 for January 24.
Please sign up for both if you are able!
RBR AZ team Tara J. Nolan