
Solar scams
A couple of times last week I heard on the news that the state has issued a consumer alert about all the scams in the solar panel industry. It’s just another reason why this industry has gone from the future of energy to a troubled one. My former neighbors who had it constantly complained about the reliability of their system. The costs have become so high to install panels that it’s mostly the wealthy that seem to have it. Not to mention the fact that this entire industry is propped up by taxpayers and tax breaks for the rich people who own these solar panels. After all, have you ever met an owner of rooftop solar that wasn’t wealthy? I once dreamed that I would be able to install these solar panels on my house, but at this point, I think I’m going to pass.
Wesley Harris
A "presidency" wasted
Barack Hussein Obama, unfit for any position, became "president" with very high expectations.
In less then 6 years he has squandered his presidency, put the nation at risk, and shown the world that he is a rank amateur who is completely in over his head. He lacks honor, integrity and patriotic fervor. He has divided the country by race, and income. He has devastated the military and stripped its ranks of qualified serving officers while lowering its manpower to pre-WWII levels.
This is an administration out of touch with American values, set in its own screwed up worldview, blinded by an illogical ideology and has created an enormous divide and enmity between religious and secular Americans.
This is a "president" and administration so bad, so crooked, so inept, so incompetent, so dishonest, so unethical, so mean spirited and so very un-patriotic that the English language does not yet have a word to describe how GOD AWFUL they are.
Tom Carbone
Cave Creek
Social responsibility
Scots defeated, 55 percent to 45 percent, a move to secede from the United Kingdom. What is amazing is that 85 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots - even 16 year-olds, who are eligible to vote in Scotland.
There is a lesson in this: the Manchurian candidate occupying our White House twice sent his union thugs and political agitators to transport street people, criminals and illegal aliens to the polling sites, and even provided interpreters (e.g. Somali language specialists) who filled out the ballots for people who were not citizens, did not speak or read English, but were transported by the ruler's Obots to stack the cards.
Meanwhile, 22 percent of eligible American voters showed up at the polling booth in 2008 and 2012. And you wonder how a foreign-born, Marxist Muslim, ignoring Congress and ruling by decree, made it into office? The answer is that many of you, dear readers, sat on your arse and chose not to vote!
Another one of Saul Alinsky's and Bill Ayers' hatchlings, Hillary Rodham Clinton, wants to be president. Are you going to sit on your fat arses again in November 2016, and let this termagant rule over us? See the light!
Robert Burns, Scotland's poet, so elegantly wrote,
"O, wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!"
J-P. A. Maldonado
Prescott Valley
New EPA killer coolant regs a crony boon to DuPont
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced plans to speed up the process of phasing out and banning the cooling agent used in most cars and refrigerators (HFC-134a).
This isn't the first of such moves from the EPA. In 1978, the federal environmental agency began banning the use of Freon in the U.S. because the coolant allegedly caused damage to the ozone layer of the atmosphere, in favor of the HFC-134a coolant now facing universal bans from the EPA because of its "greenhouse" impact on the atmosphere.
The new chemical which is already replacing HFC-134a in Cadillacs and other vehicles is a compound known as HFO-1234yf.
There is, however, a peculiar connection between this series of federal bans, the timing of the bans, and the company holding the patents to the substances.
The EPA began banning Freon in 1978 — and DuPont's patent for Freon expired in 1979. When DuPont invented Freon's EPA-approved replacement (HFC-134a), they applauded the move to ban Freon. The catch was that, in addition to banning Freon from new development, refrigeration units would need to replace Freon with DuPont's new HFC-134a.
A generation later, the same environmental alarmists have adopted new environmental scare tactics to create regulations that will profit the same corporate giants. The ozone layer has dropped out of national headlines in favor of global warming-causing "greenhouse gases" (such as what you're presently exhaling as you read this). Conveniently, HFC-134a has now been characterized as a very potent "greenhouse gas," and therefore finds itself in the crosshairs of the EPA and environmental fear mongers everywhere.
But not to the detriment of HFC-creator DuPont. HFC's proposed replacement (HFO-1234yf) was created by DuPont who now, along with Honeywell, holds a patent on the cooling chemical.
Therefore, EPA and DuPont again find themselves with mutually beneficial goals that are not necessarily better for the American people. Just as the replacement for Freon had detrimental effects on cooling technology, HFO-1234yf faces serious public safety questions, as noted by the Daily Mail in 2013.
Among the concerns, research has pointed out that the new product is toxic, combustible, and extremely dangerous when exposed to a heated engine (say, after a crash).
Auto manufacturers such as BMW and Mercedes Benz, who have been dealing with this issue in Europe, flatly refuse to use the new chemicals in their vehicles.
But none of that is stopping the EPA from moving forward to rewarding DuPont another major payday and putting people at risk for the sake of "environmental protection."
Tom Toth
Americans for Limited Government
Article V Convention of States
I wanted to write today highlighting the most impressive aspects of the FairTax, urge you to learn more about it and then become an active supporter of adoption of the FairTax. It's a national sales tax that would REPLACE the current income tax and abolish the IRS within three years. Its adoption would usher in a period of economic growth and individual prosperity that no living American has ever experienced. But frankly, it doesn't have the proverbial "snow balls' chance in hell" of being adopted. Our thoroughly corrupt congress, both Republicans and Democrats, are drunk on the power they have through the income tax and IRS. Yes, the income tax and IRS are dearly beloved by Democrats and Republicans alike. They WILL NEVER VOTE to replace the income tax or abolish the IRS.
The rules by which Congress operates MUST BE CHANGED BEFORE REAL CHANGE COMES TO WASHINGTON. Congress certainly won't propose amending the Constitution in such a way as to limit its power and reach. But, an Article V Convention of the States surely will. I urge you, even plead with you, please learn about the Convention of States movement, https://conventionofstates.com/. Become involved in the effort in your state.
Glen E Terrell
[email protected]
Dear Friend of liberty
As we celebrate Constitution Day, we wanted to be sure to tell you about some fellow patriots in need, and a very special opportunity to make a difference in an unlikely place: Hawaii.
Michelle “Mikie” Kerr, a local Tea Party activist in Waikoloa, Hawaii, wrote to us recently with an urgent request.
She needs our help to continue supplying pocket Constitutions to the people in her community. This very special and effective program is going strong, but she needs our help to keep it up.
Will you please read her note below, and click here to make a generous contribution to help us supply these Constitutions as soon as possible? Every dollar we raise today will be used to supply pocket Constitutions to these fabulous local activists.
Hello Friends,
My name is Mikie Kerr, and I am part of Wake up Waikoloa, a local Tea Party group in Hawaii.
For the past few years, we have built a large network of local businesses - over 90 and counting - who have let us place pocket Constitutions in their places of business for their customers to take for free.
Restaurants, coffee shops, doctors’ offices, grocery stores, and more have placed our pocket Constitutions on their counters, and members of the community have taken them by the thousands.
This is a very powerful way to spread our Constitutional values among the people that we live, work, and socialize with every day. It’s a perfect example of the local grassroots action that makes the Tea Party so powerful!
But right now, we are running extremely low on pocket Constitutions. This program has been such a success that we have given away over 6,000 copies in less than a year. Now, we need help to replenish our supply.
Will you please help us raise the $10,000 that we will need to purchase and distribute another 10,000 pocket Constitutions here in our community?
I’ve included some pictures here of some of our friends reading their free pocket Constitutions while eating at local restaurants. Together, we can get this timeless document into the hands of thousands more!
Thank you so much for your help!
For Freedom,
Here at Tea Party Patriots, we love to showcase projects like these in which your support has helped local Tea Party groups promote our Constitutional core values in their communities.
All over America, patriots like Mikie are making a difference and promoting our core values of personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt-free future.
But right now, Mikie needs our help. And as you know, Tea Party Patriots is currently engaged in a number of important initiatives that have made it difficult to answer this call.
That’s why we’re asking for your help.
You can help supply Mikie with the funds she and her local group will need to distribute more pocket Constitutions in their community. Our goal is to raise $10,000 - enough to distribute another 10,000 copies. Every dollar we raise will be used for specifically that purpose.
This is a great opportunity to make a difference in a liberal state that urgently needs to be reminded that liberty and limited government are what make our nation great.
Mikie and her fellow activists are fighting hard to get that message out, but they need our help.
It’s time to stand with our fellow patriots in Hawaii! Please, give whatever you possibly can right now to continue this important initiative.
Thank you so much for your help!
For Liberty,
Tea Party Patriots National Support Team
Liberal insanity
You wouldn’t believe some of the things liberals say and do on college campuses.
The journalists at the Leadership Institute’s campus news watchdog website, CampusReform.org, investigate and expose liberal bias and leftist indoctrination every day on college campuses.
Here are three recent articles from CampusReform.org to bring you up to speed on just how liberal our nation’s institutions of higher learning have become.
If Obama is too conservative, what do leftists on campus really want? A so-called professor of philosophy and Christian practice at Union Theological Seminary, Dr. Cornel West, called Barack Obama “too conservative” and accused the president of “posing as a progressive and turning out to be a counterfeit.” Dr. West worked 65 campaign events for Obama in 2008, and is an honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America. Read more about Dr. West’s blatant leftism here: http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5859
When is an all-women’s college not really an all-women’s college? CampusReform.org reported last month that the all-women Mills College in the San Francisco Bay Area now accepts transgendered males to the college. Now, Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts has done the same.
Yvonne Dean-Bailey, a student at Mount Holyoke, is enraged. “I applied for an all-women’s college, I paid for an all-women’s college, and I expect to attend an all-women’s college,” Yvonne said. “Mount Holyoke is no longer fulfilling their end of the bargain.” Read more here: http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5872
The leftists are out for blood – almost literally. You may have heard of the ice bucket challenge videos where people dump ice water on themselves to promote awareness for ALS. At Ohio University, Megan Marzec, a senior at the college and president of its student senate, doused herself with ‘Palestinian blood’ (a mixture of tomato juice, red paint, and water) on film to protest “murdered Palestinians” and “atrocities” the college is involved with through “cultural and economic support of the Israeli state.” Read more here: http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5878
I hope you have a clearer picture on how crazy it is on college campuses today.
But with your help, our campus staff organizes, trains, and supports conservative students to fight back against leftist indoctrination on their campuses.
To help those students on the ground, our investigative reporters at CampusReform.org assist them with an air assault – by exposing liberal insanity on the air and online.
When the coverage makes national news, college administrators are often forced to react. Liberal professors have had to apologize publicly – and have even been suspended and fired, thanks to your support.
Will you chip in to help expose liberal indoctrination and roll it back? Please donate a gift of any amount.
Thank you.
My best regards,
Mitch Nozka
Donor Communications Coordinator
The Leadership Institute
GAO reports taxpayer dollars funding abortion
No American should be forced to pay for the destruction of human life—but that is exactly what is happening NOW.
In a report released just this morning, the federal Government Accountability Office (GAO) finally documented what we knew all along—that the Obama Administration has utterly failed to keep its promises to prevent taxpayer funds from being used to pay for abortions through Obamacare… and they are accepting no responsibility for it.
President Obama’s actions are an appalling disregard of the conscience rights of Americans. We cannot let the Obama Administration force pro-life Americans to fund the killing of our most vulnerable citizens—children in the womb.
Wwill you stand with us today?
Americans United for Life Action has been the leader in opposing abortion coverage in Obamacare. So far, your support has allowed AUL Action to help 12 states enact legislation which prohibits abortion in their State Healthcare Exchanges.
Our model Federal Abortion-Mandate Opt-Out Act prohibits insurance plans that cover abortions from participating in a state exchange. And AUL Action is also assisting states with enacting our model Exchange and Private Insurance Coverage Prohibition Act, which prohibits all insurance plans in a state from covering abortion.
Will you help us with your financial support today so we can continue these efforts?
I have forwarded below a press release from Americans United for Life. I have also included a graphic which shows how funding of abortion has been interwoven into Obamacare from the start.
Please share this with your friends and family—we must raise awareness of this critical issue.
With your help, we will protect our right as a people to support life and not destroy it.
Jeanneane Maxon
Vice President of External Affairs and Corporate Counsel
Americans United for Life Action
Bruce Braley is wrong for Iowa and the U.S. Senate
U.S. Congressman Bruce Braley first came to the House of Representatives in 2006. In that time he has earned an ‘F’ from the National Taxpayers Union [1], complained about the towel service in the House of Representatives gym [2], and decided to run for Senate. However, we believe that Bruce Braley is wrong for both Iowa and the U.S. Senate. Here are five reasons, in no particular order, that Bruce Braley should not be voted a seat in the Upper Chamber.
- Considering the turmoil at the VA it is surprising that Congressman Braley did not make attending Veterans Affairs Committee meetings a priority. In fact, he missed 75% of these meetings over the last two years. [3]
- Disparaged Iowa farmers, insulted U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley, and insinuated that Farmers could not play a role in the political process. [4]
- Has voted in favor of the IRS being given the power to enforce Obamacare even after it came to light that the IRS had in fact unjustly targeted political enemies of the Obama administration. [5]
- ... Speaking of the IRS, he voted against a bill that would have kept the IRS from scrutinizing groups based on their political leanings. [6]
- Has taken substantial amounts of money from the trial lawyer lobby, and will be in their debt if elected. [7]
A bad Representative will make a bad Senator.
In liberty,
Jenny Beth Martin,
Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund
[1] http://www.ntu.org/library/doclib/nturatescongress2013-3-1.pdf
[2] http://freebeacon.com/politics/biggest-shutdown-concern-for-bruce-braley-no-towel-boys-at-his-gym/
[3] http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/elections/2014/07/22/bruce-braley-three-fundraisers-on-day-of-missed-hearing/13004385/