Top Ten Reasons for a Recall Election
Based on their arrogance, recklessness and stupidity:
1. they lied to you to get elected – about everything;
2. they fired the best Town Manager in Cave Creek history – in the most publicly dishonorable manner;
3. they replaced him with their crony – an unemployed Tucson lawyer and the only candidate with absolutely no town management experience or anything related;
4. they promised transparency – but conduct routine business in Executive Sessions and have refused to release a single public information request document;
5. they say get happy with your water bills – they are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal fees, thousands of dollars on their own publicity, monuments, and public distractions and have generated several million dollars in legal liabilities;
6. they gave your Cave Creek court to Carefree justified with bogus financial savings;
7. they have destroyed the town’s historic strong relationship with Scottsdale and repeatedly embarrassed the town over their ridiculous ‘West Most Western Town’ issue;
8. they have not accomplished even one substantive action and flood the agenda with meaningless resolutions;
9. they elected a Vice Mayor who is not a town resident; and
10. they succeeded beyond our wildest expectations in making Cave Creek “The West’s Most Obnoxious Town.”
Bob Williams
Cave Creek
Smoking Lamp is off
American Legion Post 34 has banned smoking in their Recreation Bar. This restriction was prompted by a request from Judy Reardon, Legion Auxiliary President and the Auxiliary Board of Directors. The proposal was voted on by the Legion membership of the Post and passed. The Recreation Bar was painted and Industrial Smoke Eaters removed. Many who do not smoke have returned to enjoy the Post’s activities.
Smoking is allowed on the Recreational Bars seating porch, Patio and Parking lots.
The Patio Shelter is being improved for the comfort of smokers for winter and summer use and for meetings and Freedom Riders visits.
The old Meeting Hall building has had smoking banned since the building was remodeled several years ago and houses the Legion Bingo on Monday nights and Fish, Chicken, and Shrimp fries on Friday nights and is open to the public.
Cave Creek's Post is also adapting a credit card paying system. This will bring up to speed Post 34 with other bars in the area and allow inventory accounting in the future.
Non-smoking has been adopted by Gilbert's Legion Post and other Posts in Arizona.
Vern Willer
Prescription for change
Change is what is needed and change is coming to the Town of Cave Creek. As everyone knows by now, I am not a politician, nor do I want to be one. What I am is a pharmacist, practicing my profession for 40 years, thus the title of this letter.
Others are calling me a drug pusher, a drug dealer, insulting the Profession of Pharmacy, and me along with it. However, I will not now, or ever resort to sleazy, nasty, obnoxious, personal mud slinging attacks. Let me just say that year after year, the Pharmacy Profession is voted to be the most trusted profession in America, while the least trusted profession is, as you might have guessed, Law, and unfortunately, lawyers are running our town government.
Also, I will not stoop as low as some sub humans, who ask God to "recall" a human being, no matter if that person is my worst enemy.
Now, with all that out of the way, I assure those who care about Cave Creek, those people who want to restore order to our town and maintain its cultural uniqueness, and those who want to see fiscal responsibility, transparency, open space, fairness with no hidden agendas or outside influences, that change is on the way. The voters of Cave Creek got hoodwinked in the last election, good people got railroaded and humiliated, and I trust the Cave Creek citizens will not be fooled again. A prescription for change is what the doctor has ordered, and what this pharmacist will dispense, with your help and support.
Hani Saba
Cave Creek Caring Citizen
Dear Patriot
I wanted to take a brief moment to express how thankful we are at the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund for our movement, for our country, and for you, our incredible supporters.
I believe it is all too easy to forget how amazing the Tea Party movement is and how ordinary citizens have an historic opportunity to change America for the better.
Despite all the news coming out of Washington, America is not lost. While our nation’s leaders have placed the United States on a path to financial and economic hardship, “We the People” still have the ability to stop them. We still live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
Ordinary citizens are banding together every day at the grassroots level to peacefully strive for freedom and economic liberty. Nowhere else on this planet is there a movement like the Tea Party. Certainly not in dictatorships like North Korea, China or Russia. Not even in “democracies” like France or Italy.
The Tea Party is unique because Americans are unique. We don’t stand by and watch history go past. We take action. We solve problems. We fulfill our own destinies. And we never give up. No matter what the odds.
Our movement was founded by patriotic Americans from every corner of our great land and from every imaginable background. We banded together because the political establishments of both parties in Washington no longer listened to us. We took action all by ourselves, and today the Tea Party is one of the most extraordinary movements in history.
I am thankful that in America we still have the rights to assemble, to petition our government, to speak our minds, and to stand up to the Washington ruling class’s edicts, regulations, and liberty-stifling laws.
I am thankful that so many millions of Americans aren’t afraid to exercise those rights. I am thankful that that they care so much about our nation that they routinely put their lives on hold to help build the Tea Party movement.
But most of all, I am thankful that YOU are a part of this historic crusade.
May God Bless America!
Jenny Beth Martin
Tea Party Patriots
Cave Creek Caring Citizens (C4)
Congratulations to Hani Saba and Susan Clancy for initiating the Cave Creek Caring Citizens (C4) political action committee to recall the fraudulent members of the town council. Thank you both for your sincere concern for our town and your commitment to make the changes necessary to restore an honest town government that cares about Cave Creek. The citizens of Cave Creek are fully supportive of this initiative (“Cave Creek Community Survey Indicates Voter Remorse,” by Linda Bentley, Sonoran News November 20, 2013) and stand solidly behind this effort to restore honesty and professionalism to the Cave Creek Town Council.
Melanie Williams
Cave Creek
To the new 4-Cs – Cave Creek Caring Citizens
Here is some Cave Creek political history. The last time we had a "problem" with the CC Council a group was formed (4-C's) that successfully changed town hall. CLICK HERE to read the 1992 brochure our committee or government in exile produced.
John Hoeppner
Cave Creek
Letters of thanks to Packages From Home from our troops
I just wanted to thank you on behalf of Regional Support Command - West for supporting the troops out here in Herat, Afghanistan by sending your packages. It's always nice to know that random people from children to adults back home still care enough to send their love and appreciation all the way to the other side of the world. You bring smiles to our faces as it means a lot to all of us when we receive snacks and random necessities because who would have thought people could get excited over simple items like soap? I wish the best for you all as we continue our mission with helping Afghanistan become an independent nation.
Hi! I wanted to thank you all for sending care packages to our troops! One of our guys gave us here in the Postal area his care package and it was awesome! Thank you all so very much! Wow! I’m so very thankful for you all!!! I’ve posted the card and picture up from the girls from the 4-H in Arizona on our wall!! Thank you all! I will send post cards soon!
I just wanted to share with you the excitement your care packages bring to our service members deployed. I usually distribute to different locations and this time we decided to stop at the Hospital. The 772ndForward Surgical Team (FST) at Fob Fenty, Jalalabad Afghanistan really enjoyed them. We want to say thank you for supporting our service members downrange.
I just received your package and I just had to say, it is the best care package I’ve ever seen from anyone that wasn’t from a family member! Some guys don’t even get such nice stuff from their own families. There was REAL deodorant; that was shocking! Thank you so much for taking the time to send all this stuff. It will all go to very good use. Please keep up the amazing work; we all really appreciate the kindness and dedication you put into these packages.
I just received the care package that was sent to me and I really appreciate the time and effort you all put into what you are doing for us. Besides the food products I received I love the card and the picture that came with it. I will hang them up on my wall while I am here. These are the first things I have gotten since being here and it means more to me than you can imagine. Even though you all thank us for serving I thank you for supporting us. It's the little things like the care packages that you go out of your way to send that get us through the day. I can't thank you enough and may God bless you.
For more information, please visit packagesfromhome.org or send your monetary donation by mail to Packages From Home, 1201 S. 7th Ave. Ste. 50, Phoenix, AZ 85007.
Dear Southwest Wildlife supporter
This year, we're most thankful for the people whose involvement and generosity make all our work possible: you and the many other Southwest Wildlife supporters. Your commitment to our native wildlife has given both our staff and animals the gifts of inspiration and encouragement along with that of funding, and we couldn't be more grateful.
Thanks to your efforts, here are just a few of the many things we have to be thankful for this year:
Selfless volunteers
A safe place to call home
Warm formula
New toys and some hair growth (Simon has come a long way from his bald days!)
A comfy place to take a nap
A heartfelt thank you, and warm wishes for a festive holiday season.
The staff and animals
Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center
Passport particulars
Every week, particularly as the holidays draw near, my Constituent Services staff fields dozens of requests for help resolving passport questions and issues. Many of the calls are from residents whose international travel plans are in danger of being derailed by a last-minute discovery that their passports are expired, missing or out of pages.
In 2008 passport requirements expanded, requiring passports or enhanced identification for all international travel including travel in North America between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The rules apply to adults and children of any age.
Here are a few tips we’ve learned about passport rules, application process and time requirements to help you avoid travel headaches as you prepare for your international trip.
• All first time applicants, including children, will need to apply in person at an authorized passport acceptance center. There are a number of post office and library locations throughout the community that accept applications. You can find a passport acceptance center that is convenient for you at www.travel.state.gov.
• Applications for minors need authorization from both parents and the child – regardless of age – must be present at the time of applying. Documentation establishing custody and permission to travel (birth certificate, court custody documents, etc.) is required.
• Checking your passport expiration dates in advance can save you money. According to the State Department, the normal passport processing time is 4-6 weeks. Expedited service through the passport office is 2-3 weeks for an additional fee
• Make sure your passport has enough blank pages for visas and exit/entry stamps. If you need to add pages or replace your passport, you will need to submit your current passport with a passport renewal application. Adding pages requires about the same processing time as replacement.
• Lost or stolen passports should be reported immediately so they become invalid. If found, you will not be able to travel using it, so make sure you have applied for a replacement.
In emergency situations, passports may be issued in less time. We are fortunate to have a regional passport center close by. My Constituent Services staff works closely with them and is able to assist district residents with expediting requests. If you are encountering a passport emergency or delay, please call my office at 480-946-2411 for help.
Congressman David Schweikert
(District 6 – Ariz.)
The Arctic opens up
The article "Icy Frontier" in the October 2013 Military Officer magazine outlines the need for the U.S. to become more involved in the Arctic region.
The melting ice could open up the Arctic Ocean to new shipping routes between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans which will cut 4,500 miles off the shipping lanes. The Arctic area contains a vast amount of oil and natural gas to be discovered and processed into energy.
Russia is restoring an old military base on the New Siberian Islands (off eastern Siberia). A garrison is stationed there, and an airfield and naval facilities are under construction. President Putin wants to use the base to enhance Russia’s economic and security interests in the Arctic.
Russia is also constructing a number of new ports in the Arctic and building nine new icebreakers to supplement 10 existing icebreakers.
The U.S. Navy lacks facilities in Alaska and does not have icebreakers. It has to rely on old USCG icebreakers for support.
The U.S. should evaluate the feasibility of constructing infra-structure in the Arctic and look at the possibility of establishing joint facilities with Canada. We need to bolster our complement of icebreakers.
Donald A. Moskowitz
Londonderry, New Hampshire
When will Associated Press call Obama a liar? Never!
Expecting Barack Hussein Obama II to admit that he screwed up is like expecting a rock to roll up hill! What is even more challenging is to expect anyone in the media or an elected official from any political perspective to remind Obama about his biggest lie which stole the nomination from Hillary Clinton. To paraphrase: "The biggest difference between Hillary and myself is that Hillary is for mandatory health insurance and I'm not!"
If Obama was a used car or an insurance salesman he would be in prison for misrepresentation of his product. The argument was NEVER that our current insurance policies were bad; it was that not enough people had them!
Perhaps we should have Obama craft our life, home and car insurance policies so that you buy them after a crash, fire or death and DWI convictions, smoking, doing drugs or manufacturing crack doesn't matter.
Based on Obama's recent comments about ridding us of our terrible existing insurance policies, we should all be suing every State Insurance Regulator for approving worthless health insurance policies. Right?
Joseph DuPont
Towanda, Pennsylvania