Your Neighborhood Vet goes beyond caring for pets
As a child we were often asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Many responses we hear are doctor, firefighter, racecar driver or even veterinarian. In fact, over time veterinarian has ranked anywhere from 4th to 7th on the top 10 list of “What Children Want To Be When They Grow Up.” One response you never hear is humanitarian. This could be that children don’t know what a humanitarian is (someone having concern for or helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people) or the fact it may not even be a career but more of a way of life.
While most veterinarians focus mainly on the much needed and quite necessary pet related causes, it is not often you hear about a veterinarian that divides their time between pet and human related causes. One such vet that does this is Dr. Tanya Wyman. While being a huge asset to pet rescues and wildlife charities, Dr. Wyman has also found joy in contributing to various human related causes as well. Often you can find her racing with the Leukemia/ Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training, sponsoring children in World Vision, helping handicapped adults and children take therapeutic rides at “Horses Help” or wielding a hammer with Dr. Ashmore for Habitat for Humanity.
Recently, she has taken on a new role as “jailbait” for the Cave Creek Muscular Dystrophy Association’s MDA Lock-Up. Always one ready to help a cause, Dr. Wyman is excited to be “put away for good.” The goal is to send two Cave Creek children to summer camp this year ($1,600). MDA camp is a magical place offering a wide range of activities specially designed for young people who have limited mobility or use wheelchairs. It allows them to just be a child among friends.
So the next time you hear a child say, “I want to be a vet when I grow up,” let them know that it is not only about loving pets but it can also be about loving people too.
If you would like to help Dr. Wyman with her recent cause, please visit us on Thursday Feb. 10, 2011 at 11:45 a.m. at Animal Health Services and bring “bail money” (donations) to put in the jar. Or you may visit www.ahsvet.com and click the MDA Lock-UP button on the homepage to donate.
This article is courtesy of Animal Health Services, 37555 N. Cave Creek Rd., 480-488-6181, www.ahsvet.com.